#21 - Sprung

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August 26th, 2018

Today was the day. Never did I thought this was ever going to happen to me. You know you'd hear stories about little girls dreaming about this day, but I was never one of them. My sole intention from the time I could think straight was getting out the hood, far away from my mother. The woman that pushed me out never instilled such fairytales and happily ever after's in me. Matter of fact, she didn't really relay much uplifting emotions in me. Maybe that's why she was so hell bent on missing out on what people called the happiest day of my life.

I was about to get married. I was going to be someone's wife. I couldn't stop saying it or thinking it, for it was something I'd never expected to happen. Not to beat myself up, but I didn't think I was allowed to be granted such a title. Wife. Growing up how I did, and seeing the things I saw, it made me wonder why women weren't appreciated and respected more. Back in the day, the things my female neighbors went through would anger me. They were treated so poorly, and talked down on severely. I saw it first hand with my mother and father. Their dysfunction made me believe that a man could never truly love and commit to a woman. And that those occurrences only took place in movies. But here I am, about to embark on this marriage journey. I was going to change that narrative, thanks to Bryson.

I blinked back tears, trying hard not to think about my parents. This was my day, my happy time. They weren't here to celebrate with me, and I continuously talked myself into understanding and acting like that was okay. It was time to seriously shift gears. I couldn't afford to think about my parents at a time like this. They surely never really thought of me.

"Aww, honey. You're about to ruin my hard work. Lemme get you a tissue." Maya, my makeup artist said. "I love times like this. It really brings out the sentimental in ya."

I nodded as Maya dug for a tissue, dabbing around my eyes. She really had no idea what was going on in my mind. I was in a whirlwind of emotions, but happiness was at the forefront. This day was going to be magical. Bryson told me not to hold back, and to ask and call for whatever I wanted to make our day special. I had an amazing wedding planner, and friends who listened to my every need. Bryson surprisingly stayed on top of it all, ensuring that the sky was the limit and whatever I wanted was going to transpire. I felt loved. I felt treasured. And I wished I could spread all of what I received to those women back in my old neighborhood.

I honestly wanted every woman to feel how I did. Despite the annoyance I endured because my parents were once again absent from an important venture in my life, I felt at ease. I was at peace. Everything in my life was finally falling into place and it was due to the man upstairs. I was high on positivity and happiness, and none of my absentee parents were going to stop that.

"Absolutely stunning." Maya commented as she touched up my makeup. "You are going to be the most beautiful bride."

I glanced up to view myself in one of the huge mirrors in my dressing room and smiled. Maya was right, your girl was snatched and put together. I felt like a little princess, and I reckoned that this is probably how Cinderella felt when she got her makeover from her fairy godmother. And now we were both about to go meet our prince.

My dress was something serious. Hand picked from a runway, altered to perfection. Stepping into the gown gave me a different feeling. This was it. It was my time to shine now. Everything was all set and it was all left up to me now. A soft knock was heard from the back of the room and Maya quickly answered, making small talk with whoever it was outside. She returned, looking at me proudly and nodded. Show time.

I was beyond excited and my gleefulness was clearly seen. I was about to marry the man of my dreams. Bryson really was a true fantasy. He was everything I could ever ask for, and continuously proved himself so. I was so smitten by him, honestly. I almost felt like a lovestruck teenage girl. I never thought I could be so infatuated with a man but within a year he wined, dined, and proposed to me. And I was so in love.

Our location for the wedding was so exquisite. It was outdoors, but still classy and enchanting. Bryson selected it, for he said it reminded him of black family royalty. And that's what we'd be some day. I smiled as I passed the synchronized swimmers in the pool, and was in complete awe when I came closer to the various ice sculptors Bryson requested. Finally, I reached the venue of our promising event. My amazing wedding planner Cheryl and her team stood there waiting for me, looking at me lovingly like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. Cheryl spoke softly into her earpiece and Glen Jones' We've Only Just Began started playing in the background. Peaking slightly into the whole orchestration, I could see my guests standing, waiting for my arrival. It was time to bless everyone with my presence.

Max and Emily, two of Cheryl's employees, pulled the blinds across revealing my being. My eyes landed on Bryson, and I immediately smiled. He returned my gesture, and as I stepped forward to him, it felt as though we were the only two people in the space. I heard people in the background making small statements of approval but that was it. He was all I saw. My strong, amazing black man.

It was only when I reached halfway that I even paid any attention to my guests. Everyone who I loved and adored was there. They all looked on sweetly, and I felt a genuine happiness for me from them. There was nothing but love and peace in this room, and that's just how I liked it.

Within two steps I was at the alter, handing my absolutely beautiful bouquet over to my best friend Divine. Carefully, slowly, I climbed the short stairs to stand besides my future husband. Bryson latched onto my hands, grabbing them tenderly but with minimal assertion. He looked nervous, and I could tell he felt out of his element. A hard core drug dealer publicly showing his softer side was extremely rare. But he was doing this for us. He truly loved and appreciated me and the feeling was greatly matched.

I was really about to marry the man of my dreams. I squealed in excitement and Bryson chuckled lightly. The pastor cleared his throat, ready to get the proceedings started. In a couple of minutes, I was about to be Mrs. Nova Maria Joy Harding. I couldn't wait to enjoy life with such a phenomenal man. Bryson smiled that beautiful grin when the pastor officially started talking. Everything about this man made my being tingle. And I couldn't wait to show him the following night on our trip to Venice. I was gonna rock his world to H.E.R's Vol. 2.

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