#10 - Meet You Halfway

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"I've given you enough time to attend to your little husband. When are you coming back to work? There's money to  be made and you can't make it if your stuck in the house playing nanny and housewife to your injured drug dealer."

I rolled my eyes at Watson's rude declaration and poured coffee into Bryson's and I's mugs. I was taking a huge risk being on the phone with this man knowing that my husband was in the nearby dining room but I didn't have much of a choice. Watson has been blowing up my line since Bryson's incident, and although he has been accepting of the situation, he was still being completely asinine about it.

"Get here by 2 p.m Nova. I'm not playing. The company is really trying to get in touch with the locals and we need you here to do that, remember? Did you forget our deal? You help us with the smaller communities, we help you with our international ones?" John asked.

I sighed heavily. "I'll see what can be done."

"Don't see, just do it."

John clicked the phone out before I got a chance to respond. Well he was really in a pissy mood today. And I felt like there was more to it than me being absent from a couple of meetings. I continued to fix Bryson's and I's beverages nonchalantly. I couldn't allow Watson's problems to become mine.

"Hey baby, breakfast soon finished?" Bryson called from the dining room. "Your man's stomach is about to fall out."

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I replied as I gathered everything to take in the next room. "You're not going to die."

Bryson wasted no time diving into his meal and hungrily chowing down on the French toast, scrambled eggs and sausage I prepared. By the time I turned on the television and returned back to the table, he was almost through and smiling at me appreciatively.

"Thank you, love." Bryson said, laughing. "You always conjure up my favorites."

I smiled back at my husband and wiped the excess crumbs off his beard. It's the little things like this that I truly enjoyed, I will cherish these moments forever. Bryson pulled out his phone and from watching his eyes sway back and forth, I could tell the vibe was about to be interrupted.

"Dr. Kuhlin's here. We're gonna be together for most of the day. Then I gotta visit some of the homies at the hospital. Can't make it seem like I don't care about them." Bryson announced.

"Uh, babe." I objected. "Isn't this a bit much? I think you should take it easy, you did get shot four times."

Bryson grunted as he got up and leaned over to kiss my forehead. "I got this, love. You ain't got nothing to worry about. I'll see you later."

I watched my husband struggle his way to his physical therapist and smirked softly. He was a real fighter. No matter what happened in his life, he never stayed down from it. And I will always admire that.

My pinging phone brought me back to reality as I realized John was not giving up with the harassment. Luckily for me, I didn't have to lie and deceive my husband because Bryson thought I was actually going to work. Which I was.

By the time I was snatched and looking like my best self, John was calling once again. His ass sure was persistent, and I knew that was a measure he took to ensure he got whatever he wanted.

"I'm in the car." I answered, slamming the car door of my BMW. "What is it now?"

"There's a probation officer here to see you." Watson answered huskily. "Nova, what's going on? I don't need any kind of police sniffing around my organization."

I sighed in frustration as I remembered that Bryson was supposed to meet up with Samuels and because he continuously failed to, I was next in line for the torture. Samuels had all of my contact and information so I knew it would be easier to find me than Bryson.

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