#25 - You're Dismissed

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They say absence makes the heart go fonder, but yet I felt nothing. Bryson's disappearance didn't do anything for my being. And I didn't know exactly what to do with that revelation just yet. I sat on the sofa, legs crossed, wine in hand. How did I even get here? Why was I feeling this way? It's been a couple of days since my husband left our mansion, and the soul searching I was doing was quite clear. I needed to face the situation head on, and stop beating around the bush like a little bitch. That's the only way my conscious could be cleared. That's the only way my marriage could survive. 

The door bell rang loudly and I hurriedly, but puzzledly answered. I wasn't expecting anyone. So why would someone want to show up at my doorstep so late in the night? As hectic and unbalanced as everything was between Bryson and I, a part of me knew he wouldn't ever bring any danger my way. I tried to talk myself into believing that I couldn't trust anyone anymore, but I did trust Bryson. The moment we made those vows and promised each other, I knew I had a real ally in this thing called life. We just made a bump in the road, and hopefully it could all be patched up. 

I eased the door open to see a woman. She looked a lot like me. Same built, same look. It was like looking into a mirror somehow, and it felt very strange. She had a scared look in her eyes, but still she stood tall and confident. She cleared her throat, and brought her Chanel bag to her shoulder. She smacked her lips, and looked at me deep in the eyes. Okay, Nova 2.0. Out with it.

"Is Rocky home?"

I eyed the lady with great curiosity. Who did this heffa think she is? Pulling up to my doorstep, asking for my husband. The nerve of her. All the time I've been with Bryson, I've never had to deal with any other women issues, so why the fuck would he want to start this now? Oh he was trying it. And she was too, with her last season shoes.

"No, he's not home." I answered. "Can I help you? I'm his wife, Nova Harding."

My wannabe smirked nastily, looking me up and down. Now I wasn't the one to fight over frivolous things, but this bitch right here could get it. Whatever dealing she had with my husband will without a doubt be cut short. I don't like this woman, and if I don't like her, Bryson isn't to like her either. Ain't no if's, and's, or but's about it.

"You can let him know I'm keeping the baby!" the woman barked. "It's so nice to meet you, step mommy."

I huffed, holding onto the door for support. Fight the man, Nova. Don't fight the bitch. Fight the man, Nova. Don't fight the bitch. Ain't no way in hell I was allowing some look a like to see me sweat, especially not some bitch that probably pulled up at my house with the intention of getting under my skin. Her claim was getting me angrier by the second, but best believe I was gonna thug it out. 

I sighed sarcastically, looking as nonchalant as I possibly could. "You're the fourth one this week, sweetheart. You hoes need to come better, and factual."

The bitch chuckled lightly, folding her arms. "Oh Rocky knows better than to mess with another bitch while fucking with me. He wants this development for his brother way too much to even think about replacing me. I'm the key to his kingdom, and if he wants my father's blessings, he'll play by my rules."

I squinted my eyes, and vaguely thought back about all the information I was given about this damn area. Because of my own dealings, I didn't do as much research as I should of about this venture my husband wanted to embark on. But one thing I did know was that the area was currently owned by a George Hembrook. He had two daughters, India and Iya, and they were both around my age. I stared back at this hoe with distaste and frowned. I guess my husband was sleeping with one of Hembrook's daughters for a leg up. Hmm, the bastard.

"He did say to never show up at his house." the woman continued. "But I do what I want, when I want. The house is beautiful though."

Biting my lip, I counted to ten. This bomb that was not too long ago dropped on me had me tight, and I was honestly ready to spaz out. But I had to keep it cool, calm and collective. This bitch owed me no loyalty, Bryson did. I had to redirect all this energy towards him. I couldn't wait to link eyes with him.

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