#14 - Way Too Blessed

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"Bryson I really ain't in the mood for whatever you 'bout to do." I groaned. "How much longer do I have to keep my eyes closed?"

"We're almost there. Calm your grumpy ass down." Bryson answered. "You're going to like this."

I made a smug expression that Bryson couldn't see because he was too busy behind me guiding me. Normally a surprise from Bryson was enough to turn my frown upside down. But since the whole park situation with that artistic bitch that I thought I knew, I've been in the most irrational moods. And Bryson walking around the house carefree like he didn't hurt my feelings by calling me insecure wasn't helping. All I know was that he better knock my socks off with this little surprise he planned. His blindfold was starting to itch my lashes and I was not having that.

"Okay, tell me what you think." Bryson said happily as he pulled the blindfold off. "Amazing ain't it?"

I fluttered my eyelashes back to normal as I noticed Bryson's red Ferrari in my view. He had just gotten it upgraded, and up to yesterday he was on FaceTime with his drug hooligan friends boasting about it. How in the hell was this a surprise for me? I looked back at him annoyed, confused, and fed up.

"Now, now. Before you get your thong twisted, lemme explain the bigger picture." Bryson said leading me to the rather expensive vehicle. "I thought this all out."

Bryson reached into the glove compartment to hand me an envelope with my name on it. Ripping it open with great disinterest, I realized that they were bookings to the newest resort that just opened in the country. I raised an eyebrow and inspected the tickets carefully, seeing all the perks and gifts that came with the package. Bryson Harding had my full attention now.

"It's scheduled for today, running through the weekend." Bryson announced, turning me around and pulling me closer to him. "Please tell me you'll come. I was thinking that we could ride out there, enjoy the slight road trip and just get back to how we were. I want us to be good again. I know you're still upset about what happened with Keisha."

I rolled my eyes at the mention of her name. That woman had the gall to call me the following day to check up on me and make sure my home was still in order. This bitch. I blinked the memory away and smiled warmly at my husband. Your girl could use a small getaway from work, and it was clear that my man wanted to make amends. And effort was always appreciated and reciprocated.

"I'll go." I said. "But you have to apologize for calling me insecure. That ain't me, I ain't that. You know the woman you married."

Bryson laughed and looked at me lovingly. "Nova, my sweet, beautiful woman. My greatest regrets are extended to you. In all seriousness baby, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You just need to get it engraved in your head that you're the only one for me. No one can take your place. It doesn't matter how long I've known them."

I smiled brightly at Bryson's reassurance. Sometimes that's all you really need. As far as me working too much, I was going to try my best to get it handled as efficiently as I could. My wifely duties were just as important. But as for right now, putting together outfits for this staycation was top priority. Your girl had to look exceptional, all the time.

"Nova, baby come on!" Bryson yelled from the car honking the horn. "I'm tryna get there before Jesus comes. Hurry up!"

Grabbing my things, I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs with style and grace. It's only been three hours of preparations, and Bryson was acting like I took the whole day. I met up with him in the car, tossing my luggage in the backseat. I don't know why he likes to rush perfection.

"Ready?" asked Bryson.

"Ready." I responded.

My husband smiled at me, and started up the engine. We cruised along, head nodding to old school hip hop. The sun was setting on another beautiful day, and just riding around and enjoying the vibe brought relaxation back to me. I needed this.

The road trip was longer than expected, but amazing. Bryson and I talked endlessly, this memory was one for the books. I loved that he thought to do this for us, as he whisked me away once again with his charm and witty personality. I blushed as he whispered sweet nothings and described all the things he wanted to do to me while we were here at the resort. Oh, we was gonna get it poppin'.

"It's even more beautiful in person." I expressed. "You really thought this all the way through."

"Only the best for you." Bryson answered. "You know I had to do it big."

Big was a delicate way to put it, because Bryson did the damn thing. We had the best suite at the place, a private bar and jacuzzi, along with on the call servers for whatever our needs may be. Yeah, Bryson was sorry alright. And I know he'd think twice about putting me in an uncomfortable situation like that gallery bullshit again.

"Well you definitely look surprise." Bryson said meeting me with a glass of champagne in our suite's balcony. "I take that I'm forgiven?"

"I'm just taking it all in." I answered, taking the glass from him, sipping it. "It's amazing the lengths you go for me sometimes. But you're good in my books. Our marriage is a work in progress."

I glanced up at Bryson and he smiled at me. It was a heartwarming smile, and it kinda reminded me of the one he gave me when I first met him. I wasn't the nicest person to Bryson on our first meet up, but like back then, he gave me that beautiful smile. A smile that made my knees weak and my heart melt.

"That's my job, ma." Bryson replied. "I would do anything to keep you happy. I don't think you understand what you mean to me. I've never loved another woman like I love you, Nova."

Bryson talking all sentimental made me feel all gooey inside, simply because that was a side of him that wasn't shown often. He had such a rigid persona and an I'll kill anyone up in here for looking at me twice vibe. So to see that type of man bellowing out his love for me with no holding back gave me all kinds of butterflies.

"I just really want you to enjoy this weekend." Bryson continued. "I know you caught on when I said that you work too much. Because baby, you do. And as much as I am for you getting your own bag and securing your future, there's nothing wrong with you enjoying the fruits of my labor. I know the drug shit freaks you out, you don't want no parts. I'll give you that. But at least lemme take care of you. Lemme show you how much I care and value you. I paid off your car notes, took care of your family and mine. Paid off all of the bills. Baby, that was nothing to me. There's a whole lotta benefits that come with me, Nova. And the fact that I know you're not just with me for the money makes me wanna spend some on you. So let me."

I nodded, looking away and admired the very beautiful view from our balcony. One thing that Madam Tuck and the rest of my female teachers in high school instilled in me was independence. I was taught that from a young age, because depending on my parents or even anyone else was useless. The only person that had my back was myself. And now here go this man asking me to shed some of it. To shed some of me. I wasn't raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, I worked from the ground up. And I actually liked doing so. The hard work made me stronger physically, emotionally and mentally. But I would do anything to save my marriage. I was deeply in love with this man. And he was indeed a great husband. I had health, we had wealth, and I couldn't ask for anything better. I wasn't going to give up my career, not ever. But maybe falling back a bit and truly enjoying and basking in Bryson couldn't hurt. It definitely was going to be a big change for me. I was so hands on with everything. However, there were also so many things I wanted to do and explore, and if that husband of mine wanted to provide it, why not? We had an ever going power struggle but as for right now, I was fully giving him the reigns. Do ya thing, B.

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