#11 - Shots Fired

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Screwed. Once again I was exceptionally fucked up. I tried my hardest not to think about it but every thought landed back to that uncomfortable scene with Samuels. However was I going to pull this off? Lying and playing Bryson was already becoming a full time job. It was bad enough that I was scheming behind my husband's back, but now John's too? Damn, I've officially fallen off the wagon and there was no hope for me in heaven.

Okay, sure. Watson wasn't the most clean business man out there, and he was the king of controversy but that didn't mean I wanted to be apart of his demise. John was a cut throat man, and he raised all of his children to be that way. Who's to say that the long line of Watson's won't come after me when they find out I had some part in Samuels' plan.

The pot of spaghetti was starting to boil over and I knew I had to get a grip before I lost it all. Quickly stirring the pasta and getting everything back under control, I tried to be as unbothered as I possibly could. The very last thing I needed was being caught acting suspicious. Like I said before, my husband was an extremely intelligent man. He could dissect anything. It's a miracle he hasn't called out my ass as yet.

I just needed to keep my thoughts at bay and focus on one situation at a time. Yeah, that's how I was gonna make this work. I knew there were probably more than a dozen things my husband kept from me on a daily, especially with this drug shit that he refused to give up. And he was walking around here like nothing mattered, like he was a true king floating on air. I needed to adapt to his energy fast.

"Smells good, baby." Bryson said walking in. "Dr. Kuhlin's gonna be having dinner with us tonight. Hope that isn't too much of a late notice. I just wanted to thank her for being so patient with me. As you can see, your man's coming along. I almost feel completely normal again."

"It's all good my love." I responded, preparing the sauce for the meal. "There's enough to go around. Glad that you two been making progress. I see you out here stretching and shit."

Bryson laughed and walked over to me, hugging me from behind. He planted kisses all over my face and neck, your girl's knees were starting to get weak. B sure knew how to get me going.

"I'm handling the probation officer." Bryson whispered. "We had a long conversation earlier and he seems like a real asshole. I'll take care of it, I should have been doing that before. When he told me he pulled up at your job, I knew it was a wrap. You don't deserve to deal with my bullshit."

Bryson released my waist and headed to a close by cabinet to fetch wine glasses for the dinner. He seemed at ease with the situation. Like he somehow found a way to shut Eman Samuels up for good. Normally, I wouldn't question Bryson. It was after all his problem to deal with. But something about my husband's unconcerned manner was throwing me off. I prayed he wasn't planning on doing anything that could potentially put us in hot water.

"It's our bullshit." I said after a moment of watching Bryson pour one of our best wines in three glasses. "We're in this together, remember?"

"You're so cute." Bryson smiled. "Yes, we're in this together. I'll take these out to Kuhlin and occupy her while you finish up."

I nodded and watched Bryson leave, looking as nonchalant as ever. I don't know if he was immune to feeling threatened, but he certainly hid it well. I guess it was a defense survival mechanism, seeing everything he's been through. But damn, was he good at it.

"Your house is amazing and the food looks fantastic Mrs. Harding." Dr. Kuhlin said when I finally sat everything out on the table. "Spaghetti, garlic bread, potato salad and greens. Is it my birthday?"

I laughed as we all got seated and began to dive in. "Thank you, and I hope you enjoy. But please, call me Nova. Mrs. Harding is so formal."

"Okay." Dr. Kuhlin responded. "Nova, your husband has been doing incredibly well with all the exercises. I hope him taking so much time from you hasn't been a bother."

I smiled politely and took a sip of the wine Bryson presented on the table. "Of course not. To be honest I've been working tirelessly, and I already knew how serious Bryson was about getting back to full recovery. It amazes me that he's still here with me sometimes."

"Agreed." Dr. Kuhlin responded. "God truly comes through, doesn't he? But it's still saddening. All this gun violence. When will it end?"

"Honestly." Bryson concurred. "People are in shambles, fighting over nothing of true importance. Such a shame the times we live in."

I glanced over at Bryson who looked fully engrossed in this conversation with Kuhlin and his meal. The only person in this room he was fooling was the doctor. My husband knew damn well that he chose violence as the first answer to almost anything. But hey, anything to impress the physical therapist.

The rest of the evening went pleasantly well. The conversation wasn't forced, the vibe was just right, and I actually felt comfortable telling Dr. Kuhlin some of my business. She shared some things as well and I truly felt like we were bonding. She's a cool person, and I didn't feel any type of way that my husband was spending so much time with her. My gut told me she wasn't after my man in any shape or form and I was going to trust it.

"Thanks again for letting me stay for dinner." Dr. Kuhlin said as I walked her to her car.

"No problem at all." I said politely. "You've been such a help to my husband, it's the least I could do."

"He's a good man, Nova." Kuhlin said. "You must be proud to call him yours."

"Yeah, I am."

"You know I've been meaning to get you alone all night." Kuhlin said stopping abruptly. "There's something I need to get off my chest."

Looking over at Kuhlin with grave curiosity, I noticed the doctor was on the verge of tears. She seemed nervous and deeply hurt. What in the hell was going on?

"I just can't do this bullshit anymore!" Dr. Kuhlin cried. "It's not me, this is not my character!"

I stared back at the doctor stunned and confused. Kuhlin was starting to sweat like crazy and I was unsure what to do in this case to calm her. Dr. Kuhlin panted and held onto my hand for support. I started to fan her with my hand despite the fact that we were outside in very cold air. Something was seriously wrong.

"You know I told him I didn't want to do this." Kuhlin murmured. "That this was his thing, and to leave me out of it. But no, he pays for my tuition so he thinks he gets all the say? I just hate family, mines at least. They're always trying to get you to do something you rather not."

I listened to Kuhlin carefully but she wasn't making much sense. I couldn't even blame alcohol because she only had one glass which was a whole hour and a half ago. Kuhlin walked over to her car and stood by it, leaning over and resting her hands on her knees. I followed just in case I needed to call medical assistance.

"I've been spending a lot of time with your husband." Dr. Kuhlin spoke after a couple of seconds of breathing out restlessly. "Like I said, he's a good man. I tried to find a flaw, a reason to hate him. But all he does is talk about you, and bettering his life. When my father forced me to take this job as his physical therapist to spy on your husband and report back to him, I was pissed. Revenge and causing trouble is his repertoire, not mine. Why do you think I only go by Kuhlin? I want nothing to do with the Watson family. They're all evil. I just can't stand to play this lying and manipulating game anymore, and that's why I had to tell you. Opening up to your husband might go bad. He seems to trust me. Forgive me, Nova."

Shook indeed I was. This was a new low, even for John. It took me a few seconds to put together that she was really John's daughter because I've never heard of her, and you had to look extremely close to see the resemblance. Her giving me this information got me aggravated. I thought John and I were cool enough, hoping that he wouldn't bring any trouble to my home. But now look at this bullshit.

"I told you this as a heads up." Kuhlin said opening her car door. "Not as a weapon. I don't know what the issue is with Bryson and my father, but it's serious and it's going to get ugly. Your husband doesn't seem to be on that same energy anymore, so that's why I think you should warn him. Good night, Nova."

Dr. Kuhlin slammed her car door and drove off speedily into the night. I stood there with my arms folded in a vex expression. Oh I was going to warn Bryson alright, but I was also going to get even with this fool Watson. If he wanted to play games with me and my family, I could play them as well. And to think I was starting to feel bad for conspiring behind his back. He had another thing coming. I was bringing all the noise, I wanted all the smoke.

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