#20 - Fool's Errand

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"What's this big announcement?" Divine asked.

"Yeah, and why do we have to wait for your mean ass momma to come for you to tell us? She probably doesn't even care about whatever you have to say if it ain't concerning money." Chloe whined. "Ain't we your girls?"

"Of course you guys are." I assured Chloe. "But my mom is also an important woman in my life. I mean, I know we don't get along all the time, but just give it a chance. She said she'd be here soon."

Divine and Chloe both shook their heads and pouted, slouching back into their seats. They hated being left in the dark about anything, especially if it was something as big as I described on the phone. I checked my phone and realized my mother was a half an hour late. But that was okay, the look on her and my friends faces when I told them I was having a vow renewal would be all worth it.

"This restaurant is nice." Divine commented. "I like how airy it is."

"Fuck this restaurant." Chloe growled. "Hakeem brought me here for our first date, which I had to pay for."

"Sis, I don't know what you saw in him." Divine returned. "He's been an ain't shit man from the jump."

"Okay okay, calm down Miss Judgmental." Chloe snapped. "I like men with potential. Everybody don't want the imaginary perfect man like yo ass."

Instead of replying, Divine sipped on her wine and acted like Chloe was nonexistent. I was grateful for Divine's silence, because mediating a discussion turned argument was not how I wanted to spend my afternoon. I wanted it to be all smiles and good energy when my mother got here. Where even was my mom?

"Thanks for bringing me to the resort. Girl, you don't even know how much I needed that." Chloe said turning to me. "Give hubby my regards for disappearing."

Divine gave Chloe an irritated face but I simply smiled. Chloe had a weird way of expressing herself sometimes, but that's what made her, her. I wouldn't change it for the world, because I knew deep deep down, she meant well.

"How are things going with Ian?" I asked Divine. "Haven't heard you really speak on him."

"Yeah, how are things?" Chloe intruded. "Finally found someone to lock down your high sadity ass?"

"Things with Ian are fine. We're taking things slow, getting to know each other the proper way." Divine responded, sipping on her beverage.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Chloe asked. "You don't think I do things the right way? School me then, why don't you?"

I rolled my eyes at the pending argument. Why were they like this? As funny as it was sometimes, their back and forth was really unnecessary. Occasionally I wondered how they were even friends. But once again, Divine was exercising restraint and I was proud of her.

"Hey Nova, you're mom's coming our way." Divine proclaimed, looking happy that we were having more company. "But who's that man with her? He looks like a pimp."

I glanced over, focusing on the direction Divine was looking in. My mother was in her Sunday best, walking proudly in front of this pompous looking man who was walking with a cane. He wore a matching suit and a huge broad brimmed hat. I rolled my eyes as the pair came closer. I don't know who told my mother her invitation was extended to my father. Her invite didn't come with no fucking plus one.

When they reached the table and were seated, my entire mood shifted. I didn't even want to speak about my marriage revival anymore. My mother wasn't the biggest Bryson fan, and I was hoping to win her over with the help of my friends. But now that my father was here frowning and looking like he was over the trip already, I could tell that things were going to go sour.

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