#6 - Well Done

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Sex with Bryson was oh so amazing. Your girl has been going through such a dry spell that even the slightest touch from him felt like heaven. He was putting it down alright, and since that welcome home party Divine threw, he was really showing me his appreciation.

I panted satisfactorily as Bryson and I wrapped up round number I can't even remember. He was spending the whole entire day at home which meant I had him all to myself. He rolled over, pulling me close under him and I felt as though I was melting. Normally, I wasn't with the cuddling shit. I had this weird ideology that after intercourse and both partners were well taken care of, they both went along their way merrily and kept it pushing. But this man right here had me wanting to stay to make memories and shit.

Bryson kissed me countless times all over my face and I genuinely felt loved. It was uncomfortable having my guard down, I always had a shield up whenever it came to work, life, and men especially. But then he comes into my being, wooed me despite the odds and made me his wife. I glanced down at my beautifully cut diamond ring and smiled. I never thought I could be this happy with someone.

"Ah, what's that smile for?" Bryson asked laughing. "You love how I do it, huh?"

I turned to face him and nodded, looking at him completely mesmerized. I couldn't help but smirk to myself and shake my head mentally. If I was to hear another woman speaking all lovey dovey about her significant other I'd probably be rolling my eyes to the back of my head, but all I wanted to do was shout to the world about how great of a man Bryson is. He had me deep in my feelings.

"You know it was getting a little hard to concentrate with your phone ringing and pinging for so long. Who's on your back so hard? You need me to talk to them?" Bryson asked jokingly.

I laughed along and eyed my phone to see four voicemails from John Watson. Since the party he's been blowing up my line to meet with the rest of his associates so we could finalize the deal of our partnership. I was beyond excited, and it irked me that I couldn't share this fantastic news with B.

"So what you getting into today?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking about just chilling out here with you today. Can't remember the last time we did that. Maybe catch the new season of Power or something. Angela still annoying?" Bryson returned. "I can't take another season of her acting up."

Laughing, I shook my head and grabbed my phone. My device was getting out of control with the noise that it was making and I didn't need that alarming Bryson. He too like Chloe picked up on things extremely fast, so I had to smile nonchalantly at the notifications in my phone even though I was panicking inside. John wanted to meet immediately so I could be introduced to the rest of his team and it needed to happen today. They were going to collectively decide if I was a great fit for their accounting firm. However was I going to finesse my way out of this one?

"Hey, baby? I was thinking that you could make that tuna casserole that I liked so much? Man, I ain't had that in a good minute. What you think?" Bryson asked getting up from the bed and heading to the shower. "You wanna get in here with me?"

"Prefect!" I shrieked.

Bryson turned around to look at me funny and I quickly got my emotions under control. I couldn't afford to be caught slipping now.

"I mean, the casserole idea. I stopped making it since you've been away and that's just the ultimate meal to commemorate your return. Why didn't I think of that sooner?" I said happily. 

"Oh, babe it's fine. No worries." Bryson responded. "So you tryna kick it in the shower or....."

I glanced at Bryson briefly and the lies started swarming in my head. I hated what I was doing, for I knew that if the shoe was on the other foot I would have been double pissed. I was about to pull the plug on this stupid idea Chloe suggested but then I remembered she said something about Bryson probably not keeping it all the way honest with me knowing the kind of business he was in. Yeah, I had to keep the deception going.

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