#22 - Victory Is Ours

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I tapped my foot nervously, eager to get the situation over with. I really should have informed my husband about this meet up with this treacherous scumbag, but then I knew I'd have to answer additional questions that I wasn't prepared to dish out responses to. My husband and I were getting back to one accord. We were starting fresh. So the sooner I could get this jackass probation officer off my back, the better.

"You're acting like a whore in church." Samuels remarked. "Calm down. Dressing in all black wasn't even necessary. I'm not the bad person here."

I glanced around the diner Samuels suggested we meet up at. It was dirty, unkept, and I was seriously questioning how this business was still running. Samuels on the other hand looked like he could care less, and he sipped on a cup of coffee rather composed. I pulled at my black leggings, and tighten my hoodie. We were in a notorious part of the hood, and I'd be damned if word got back to my husband about my association with this asshole. I had to protect myself at all costs.

"The information you gave is quite efficient. My guys at the station are working to prove all of your accusations." Samuels continued. "And lucky for you, a business owner Watson conned back in the day has agreed to come forward to assist with my investigation. I need this to stick, Nova. I can't afford for anything to slide with this case. I'd be the laughing stock at my department. And not to mention the wrath that's going to come from John Watson Sr and all his high end friends. Whether I like it or not, they run a lot of shit. Their level of influence and control is disgusting yet mind blowing. I could be out on my ass if this shit goes left."

I nodded in agreement. I personally knew what it felt like to throw yourself out there, trying to accomplish something people would never expect you to. And for that reason alone, I sympathized with this idiot. However, him dragging me into his mess was not cool. And I could never respect him for doing that.

"Can I get you something?" Samuels asked, trying to desperately ease the tension. "This place makes some good ass BLT's. They even got their own signature drink and everything."

I shook my head aggressively like a spoilt child. What was Eman not understanding? I didn't want anything to do with him or his operation. I wanted my part to be done and over with so I could move on happily with my husband. I had Divine covering for me once again, and continuously lying to my husband was getting harder and harder. I love Bryson, and you don't deceive someone you claim to love.

"Look, I know I'm probably not your favorite person." Eman Samuels muttered. "But I promise to keep my word to you. I won't tell your man about our agreement. After I get the call from one of my guys that we're all clear, you won't have to see or hear from me ever again. So stop itching like Rocky's about to come through the door. He's out in the West Side handling business."

I glanced at Samuels curiously. I didn't even know where my husband was. But for Eman to have an exact location and be fine with that said place was disturbing. Why wasn't he being more of a dictated, bossy asshole about Bryson's whereabouts? Why wasn't he more discriminatory, ready to pull the plug on my husband's dealings? Samuels sounded as cool as a cucumber when he told me where my husband was. Anyone who knew anything knew what went down in the West Side. And for Samuels to know this and not even seem bothered by it was scary to me. What if he already set up my husband to get caught up again? I panted uneasily, and I felt anxiety casting over me.

"Fix your face, Nova." Eman replied, calling over a waiter. "I would never out Rocky in that way. After all, I am my brother's keeper."

A waiter for this dingy ass diner came over, and I vaguely heard Eman ordering something else off the menu. My brother's keeper? What the fuck did that mean? I drummed my fingers on the diner's table, trying to piece together the information that was given to me. Bryson told me he was going to handle the probation officer, but what did that really mean? Was my husband blackmailing Samuels somehow? Did they come to their own separate agreement? What the fuck was going on? Call me nosey, but I needed answers.

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