Coming Home

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( Coming home from a trip to Italy to find her dad with Bella. Arianna's step sister. Also seeing the Blacks again after a summer away. What else is going to go wrong?)


"Damn sun!" I growled flipping my sunglasses down and stared at the road ahead towards home.

It's been all summer since I came home. I won tickets to fly anywhere I wanted and I chose Italy. Dad wasn't happy since I'm 16 and I went without an adult. Calmed him down when I told him I'll take my phone and pepper spray.

Anyways, Im just four hours away from home and I'm excited to see dad. Smiling I glanced at the gift I bought for him in Italy.
It was an Italian boots and holster for his gun. He has wanted those for years and I finally saved enough for them from working in Italy. I worked as a waitress all summer.

Turning on the CD player to my favorite band Pretty Little Reckless. Singing along and drumming my thumbs on the wheel, time flies and I turn down my road.

Frowning, I see dad with a young girl about my age. Pulling up, I honked. "Dad I'm home!" Laughing as he jumped. "Ari, you are home just in time." Climbing out of my car, "yeah I know. School is starting back up today and I wanted to be home to be ready."
The girl looks familiar. She eyed me and gave a disgusted look. Then it hit me. Renee's daughter Isabella. Ugh, those two are annoying and stupid. "Bella you remember Arianna right?" She nods and pulls her bag closer. Hahaha! This girl thinks I'll rob her! " Nice to see you again Isabella." Grinning, I popped my trunk. "Hey Dad, I bought you something." He frowned at me. He hates when I spend money on him. What can I say? He could have been one of those dads that dropped me off at the adoption center and he didn't.

I gave them to him and giggled at his reaction. It was so cartoon ish with his eye bulging out and a grin on his face. He pulls me into a tight hug, I look over and I see bella glaring at me behind his back.
Wow jealousy much? Ignoring her I hear a truck coming down our street, for some reason I get a weird feeling when I see them pull up.
"Bella? Ari, you remember Billy Black and his son Jacob?"
I smile and shake their hands, while Bella stands awkwardly on Dad's other side.
"Yup, it's been all summer but I remember dad." He rolls his eyes.
I watched as Billy and dad act childish in the street. I ignored Bella and Jacob.
Anyone with two eyes can see that Jake has a huge crush on her and she is oblivious to it.
Walking to my car and pulling out my bags I can't shake the feeling of something wrong with them. Suddenly I get dizzy and lean against my car. I see visions of huge wolves . Huge as horses! My vision goes clear and look over at Billy while dad was talking to Bella about her truck.
Billy was staring right at me. He knows. Straightening up I walk quickly up to my room and set down my bags.
Shit. He knows I know. Running a hand through my black hair and hissed in anger. Grabbing my clothes and hopped in the shower. Great. My secret is out.

(Author's note: I own none of the characters except Arianna. Sorry about the bad writing, it's my first time. Wow Bella really hates Arianna :( but hey haters going to hate! What do you guys think?)

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