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I'm in Alice's room with the girls blaring music dancing and laughing. Jasper walked by at one point but quickly walked away when he saw our clothes and how we are dressed. We just laughed and continued.  It was going great until Alice froze and a far off look on her face. Turning off the music and stood beside her when Jasper came in with the others behind him. When her vision was done, she grabs her phone and waits impatiently. 

"Bella?! Bella whats going on?!" what did she see and why was she scared? She gave the phone to Carlisle. I tried to get Alice to talk to me while he spoke on the phone but she wont say anything due to shock. Finally, he was off the phone and turned to us. 

"Bella is preganat and they are coming back here." I stayed silent as i went outside to think. I may hate both Edward and Bella but that baby is innocent. I didn't even think vampires could have kids. I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning to see Jasper with a small smile.

"Are you ok? I know you are wary of them." Smiling i pull him into a hug, "I may hate them but not the baby. Its done nothing wrong. I just hope nothing bad comes from it." I stretch out my wings and tail. "Im going for fly for a bit. Ill be back soon." He nods and heads inside.

I stand on the hand rail and jumped off, catching air in my wings, i fly over the forest and for a few hours i enjoyed the peace. I felt like something was going to change and it wasn't going to be good. I find a tree that was pretty high and sat up at the top. I've decided that ill help Bella with her child's birth but ill stay away from her afterwards. 

As for Edward i feel sorry for him being with her. I am angry that he chose his bloodsinger over family but i cant change anything about that. Limited amount of comunnication is appropriate. I stayed in the tree staring at the moon and stars when i heard movement below me.

Jumping up in the sky and hovered, i see Rose below waving me down. I let out a deep breath and flew to her. "You startled me Rose!" Laughing and looping my arm with hers.  "Sorry Ari." She grinned and we walk towards home. By the time we get home the sun had come up. I guess i flew out longer than i thought i did. we walk inside and it was quiet. 

I look around and spot Edward near one of the windows with a deep thought. If he is here than so is his wife. I hear a groan from the couch, turning i see Bella laying down with a blanket. She looked thin and paler than normal. She must have felt eyes on her because she woke up and saw me. She sat up with a glare on her face.

I sat on the couch oppasite of her. "Listen Isabella. I may hate you but not your child. Ill do what i can to help but afterwards ill do nothing for you unless it has something to do with me and my family directly." She stared at me for awhile than gave a sigh.  She nodded,"Deal."

Carlisle Cullen x Outcast Dangerous Arianna SwanWhere stories live. Discover now