Demon fun

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Waking up, to see the room empty. Hopefully I can go home today. Sighing I turn to the window and watching the breeze rustling the leaves. I hear the sound of heels click on the floor and turn to see the doors open. A elder woman with my clipboard. She smiled at me and read my information.
"Miss Swan?" I nod and sit up a little a bit. " Am I able to leave to today?" She checks my vitals and smiles. "Yes, it looks like you are stable so we get you paperwork to discharge you." Leaning back and waiting for her to take out my iv and to sign forms so I can leave. I feel so energetic and restless. She comes back in and gives me my forms and as I sign it she grabs my bags of clothes. I hand her the clipboard and she takes out the IV. She leaves me to get dressed. Finally. Now I can leave. That's when I realized that I crashed my baby. I called my father. "Daddy?" "Ari, how are you feeling? Did they let you out now?"
"Yes, daddy my baby." I waited anxiously as I hear him sigh. "Ari, your car was totaled." No. Shit I worked hard for that car. I guess if I got another job while I went to school it wouldn't be too bad. "Ok dad. I'll just ride my bike to work for now. Can you pick me up please?" I hear shuffling and turned around. Carlisle. He stands there with a smirk. "Of course sweetheart. I'll be there in 20 minutes." I ended the phone call. Walking towards him, I feel myself getting excited. "Hi Carlisle." Slipping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his neck. His hands on my waist grip a little. "Hello Ari. Feeling better I see. Are you able to come over tonight?" Running my tongue on his neck I hear him muffle a groan. Smiling I pull back. "Yes pick me up after they are asleep?" He nods and kisses me deeply. "I am glad you are ok now. You gave everyone a scare."
"I know. I'm sorry. I lost control of the car." I spy my father's cop car outside. Grinning I whisper in his ear "I'll make it up to you. That is if you let me have it in my mouth." Pulling away I fold the gown on the bed and walk out to find my dad. Leaveing him with wide and dark eyes. He looked full of lust and love. This will be fun.

(Sorry everyone I've been busy with my kid and hit a writer's block. :( Don't hate me)

Carlisle Cullen x Outcast Dangerous Arianna SwanWhere stories live. Discover now