Vampires, Mate, and Love oh my!

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I hear faint speaking as I slowly come back to. "Carlisle, she is your mate and she is Bella's sister." I guess that is Alice talking. Wait mate? What the heck? Opened my eyes and regret doing so. Hissing I reclose them. They stopped talking and I felt a hand on my arm."Ari? How are you feeling?" Groaning, I sit up with help. "I'm fine." Looking around at my friends. Roselie just smiled. I don't see the Greek god anywhere. I started to feel the painful tug again on my heart. "On second thought" Wow he must have been my imagination. Why do I feel this pain? Heart attack?! "Ari? You are not having a heart attack." Edward. I look at him and smiled through the pain. "Feels like it" Alice bounces around happily. "I give her a weird look. "Are you on suger?" They all laughed. "Ari, what do you remember?" I go blank and memories come back. "Oh shit." I jump off the bed I was on falling backwards hitting a vase. It breaks on the floor and I was just to land on it when freezing cold arms prevented me for falling on it. "Please be careful." I look up and see him. The Greek god holding me, our faces are inches close to each other. The tug getting got so intense and I have no idea why I did it but I kissed him. Hard and passionate. Quiet laughing was heard, I pull away in shock. He looks at me in surprise and I blush hard. I pull out of his arms and run out the door. I turn into the forest and kept running. I hear yells for my name but the embarrassment of being confronted by him was painful. I stopped running, looking where I was and felt a tear run down my face. I see a creek running and decided to cross it. Just as I do the Cullen's were right there. "Ari! Wait!" I felt the pain double at the sound of his voice. Hissing at the pain I kept going. I ran and slam into a huge black wolf. I land on my back and look up it being above me. I scream in terror and it looks at me sadness leans its head down. Not moving I felt it bring its nose near my neck. "Sam, you are scaring her." Edward! "It's ok Ari we will not harm you. We can explain everything if you allow us." I let out a whimper. "Alright." I look into it's eyes. Hmm he isn't so bad. I reach my hand up to touch him. He nods and closes his eyes. I pet his head. Oh my gosh he is so soft! Edward starts laughing and tells them what I said. The wolf rolls his eyes. I couldn't help it. I launched myself into his fur. I felt him laughing. I see Greek god glaring at the wolf. "Hey Greek god?" He looks at me in amusement. "Yes?" I felt a strong pull as well as being aroused. "Can I keep this dog?" The wolf makes this huffy kind of noise. Is he laughing. He pushes me away softly and hides behind a bush. What the? A guy comes out in shorts. "I'm a wolf not a dog. Name is Sam" wait what? "Sam, we will take her back and explain it." Sam nods. I see blacks spots . Standing up I felt dizzy. Sam grabs me before I fall. "That's a wise idea. He hands me to the Cullens and walks away. This is too much at once. "She is going to drop." I did. What world did I fall into?

( Wow crazy rollercoaster! Lol what did you guys think?)

Carlisle Cullen x Outcast Dangerous Arianna SwanWhere stories live. Discover now