Left Behind

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I went outside to help calm Jasper down while Carlisle stitched that idiot up. I can't believe she was that stupid not to use the scissors to open that gift.
Jasper calming down looked like he was going to cry.
"I'm a monster." He whispered looking down. I gave him a hug .
"No you are not. It was natural to feel hunger and it was increased because of everyone elses hunger."
Emmett and Jasper were like my bothers that I never had. I love them dearly. I sat with Jasper in a tree while Edward took Bella home and everyone else cleaned up inside. He turned towards me, "Why doesn't your blood tempt me?" Pulling my hair to the side exposing my neck.
"I taste different then a human. Give it a try." He hesitated afraid that he was going to hurt me. "Jasper I'm a demon. Not human. Your ok." He leaned forward and bit into my neck feeling my blood go in his mouth. It felt like burning iron when he bit into me but it didn't bother me too much. Glancing down I see the others see what was happening and was about to pull him off when I gave them a look to leave it be. He pulls off me with a funny look. My wound starts to heal up and I wipe the blood off.
"Your blood tastes like water but thick like blood. It helps with the thirst though." His eyes widened and I shook my head knowing what he is thinking.
"Your eyes are still golden Jasper. You are ok." I gave him a hug and jumped down to the family below. Alice hugged Jasper when he followed me. I hug Carlisle and he checked my neck. I see Edward show up and by his facial expression it wasn't good. He went into the house and I decided I needed to head home to see how dad is doing.
"I'll take you home." Carlisle walks me to his car and we head back to my house. On the way home we held hands and listened to music. As we pulled up I could see the kitchen lights and Bella's room light on. Unbuckling my seatbelt I leaned over and kissed Carlisle .
"I got you something." Reaching down and giving him the gift. He opens it and smiles kissing me passionately.
"I love it. Thank you." Rewrapping it gently and hugging me goodbye. I climbed out, closing the door and headed inside.
I have a bad feeling that tomorrow is going to be hard and painful. I head to my room stripping off my clothes and getting ready to go to bed. I climb into bed and the dreaded feeling didn't go away. Falling asleep hoping for a better day.
The next morning didn't feel like dressing up so I pull on my black leggings, long sleeved blue sweater shirt with a hood, and black boots. My hair was into a bun with no makeup or jewelry. I grab my keys to my bike lock and went without breakfast leaving the house. I get a text from Carlisle to meet in the woods by the school. I head there with the feeling getting worse. I see him leaning on the tree looking up at the sky with a frown.
"Carlisle? Is everything ok?" Asking softly almost afraid of the answer. He looks at me with grief and pain in his eyes. He walks to me and holds me close. Oh my God. What's happening?!
"My family and I are leaving Forks for awhile. I don't know when we are coming back. Edward says he is a danger to Bella and she will need to move on." I freeze and I feel my chest twisting painfully.
"Will you stay in touch?" Tears threatening to fall. I felt like my heart was breaking.
"I'm not sure. I'll try to send you emails if I can. Just know that I love you and I will be back for you." I felt his lips kiss mine and a quick breeze and he was gone. My heart broke along with my soul. I let out a earth shattering cry scream with tears falling down my face and fell unconscious.

Carlisle Cullen x Outcast Dangerous Arianna SwanWhere stories live. Discover now