Being a badass

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Going through classes and seeing Bella whisper to her group of friends about me. It's starting to get on my nerves. I'm looking forward to tonight.
"Ari! Come sit with us!" Turning to the voice belonging to Roselie. I wrap my arm around her waist with my lunch in the other. I can feel stares drill in to the back of my head. Bella. Whispering into Roselie's ear as we neared the table, "If she doesn't stop it I'll light her ass on fire. Or I'll just fill her with lust and she will screw a pole." Roselie busts up laughing along with Jasper and Emmett. Edward and Alice just shake their heads and 'eat'. I pull out my food and start munching when I hear Bella and Jessica whispering.
"It's sad that she thinks she can get close to the boys through their girlfriends." Jessica said in a high in mighty voice.
"I know. I'm wondering if she is going to go for their father. It wouldn't surprise me that she would stoop that low."
At this point I stopped eating and Rosalie grabs my shoulder down. I'm shaking with anger and my eyes switched to full black. Jasper grabbed my other arm and whispered, "Arianna, calm down. They just silly girls." Edward looked nervous and a smirk crept up my face with my eyes blacker than night. "I won't kill her Edward but I will not allow her to speak about me in such away. Don't worry I'll get that Jessica as well." Breathing out I went to normal but hatred and anger was still there. I continued eating an the others let me go.
"Edward." He turns to look at me wary of what I'll say. "You must understand. She is spoiled and thinks she could get away with what she says and does. You are not the only one who can do mind tricks." He was silent and I felt the fear roll off of him in waves. "I'll close off my mind to you so you won't suffer but I need you to stay away from her at night only for a week so the punishment can work. Afterwards you can visit as much as you please." He looked like he was going to object but Alice just shakes her head. "She is right Edward. Bella crosses the line too much." He looks around the table and no one objects. He sighs and nods. I closed my mind off from him along with Alice. Standing up as the bell rang for class. The rest of the day I ignored everyone and everything. As soon as the school was over I decided her punishment. What more of a fitting punishment to haunt her mind during the day and switch to lusty confustion at night. Meeting up with Roselie and Alice to go shopping. Emmett grabs my bike an hooks it up to the back of his Jeep. I feel excitement for the party tonight. Come to find out that the party is at the Cullen house and Bella and the pack is going to be there. Lovely. Blasting Eminem and starting to pull out of the parking lot when I see Bella glaring over at us. Nope I'm done with her shit. I meet her eyes and she starts shaking and with wide eyes. She shrieks and jumps in her truck. Laughing we pull away to the store for tonight. Hopping out I see a old fashioned store with beautiful clothes. Smirking with mischief making the girls grin. "Let's find outfits to make our mates drool. Shall we?" Looping my arms in theirs and strolled in with confidence. We spent an hour in there and walked out with the perfect outfits. I sit in the back excited to get to their house and get ready for the party. This will be the best night in forever for me. I can't wait to see the look on Carlisle's face when I'm ready. We pull up to the rest of the Cullen's getting the last bit put in place. Raceing up stairs to get ready. After the outfit was on Alice did my makeup while Roselie did my hair. Time to let the fun begin.

(Hi everyone!!! Hope you are liking the story so far. Sorry if it's poor writing. How do you all like Arianna so far?)

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