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Since classes didn't start until the next day Jenny and the other decided to play until evening.

The lake was pretty and Jenny found herself enjoying talking with Penney sitting on the edge of lake.

Edward,Harry and Gracial raced to one end of lake to another and Edward emerged victorious eveytime.

They invited Jenny and Penney but they declined. Penney couldn't swim and Jenny wanted to be near penny rather than being near Edward.

Evening approached fast and they returned to  the house.

"Does anybody know the way to training ground?" Gracial asked.

"I have a map." Jenny supplied.

All of them stood up to get to there respective rooms and get changed when they found a big problem.

"How are we deciding the room?" Harry asked.

"There are three rooms on the second flood but I haven't checked the third floor yet." Jenny had barely finished speaking when Edward took off.

He returned a miniute later with a smile on his lips.
"There are two king sized bedroom on the third floor and since I am the leader I am taking one."

Enough room for all of us,Jenny thought. Then her mind focused on the more important point.

"The king sized bedroom is mine so you can't take it." Jenny said.

"I said there are two rooms." Edward said talking slowly as if explaining to a four-year old.

"You are not taking a room next to mine!!" Jenny declared.

"Ohh, why is that? Will you be nervous if I am next room to yours?" Edward said with a smirk.

"It is not like that!!" Jenny said a blush creeping into her cheeks.

"Then what is it?" Edward asked still smirking.

Rather than answering Jenny stomped up to the third floor.
After reaching it she chose the room in which her things were neatly arranged.

She was changing into her shorts when she heard Edward shout from the next room.

"Hello neighbour!!"

Jenny groaned wondering what she had done to deserve this.


They all stood together before the gate upon which "train hard" was imprinted in bold white letters.

Two knights at its either side and opened the gate for them to pass.

"What are these?" Gracial asked.

"Someone marked the empty statue of knights and changed them into familiars and gave them some specific commands." Jenny said.

She had watched her two brothers do it. Had even tried to do it herself but the knight had only walked two steps before falling apart.

Jenny was pretty disappointed by the training ground. It had a sparing center in its middle and a shed on one of its corners. Jenny could also see some target practicing place but it was too far to make out correctly.

But the thing that all the other was focused on was the sparing center. Some seniors stood by its side. While two were stretching presumably the ones who would spar.

"I thought that Teon booked this for us." Jenny said.

"I am pretty sure he said that." Gracial replied.

"We should wait for him. We don't want to get tangled with them they were the ones who shouted from behind. I think they are second years." Harry said.

"Let's just stand on that side." Gracial said pointing to a far off shaded cornor.

Jenny,Harry and Penney nodded.

"Hey dumbass!!" Edward shouted.

All was still for second as the second years heads snapped towards them.

Jenny and the others had gone completely still glaring at Edward.
Jenny knew that a bunch of bullies wouldn't stop just because you were of the royal clan.

No status mattered at this kind of situations. You had to be strong to gain respect and even though Jenny was talented she knew she couldn't just take on six seniors.

Two more seniors came out of the shed hearing the voice and Jenny wondered if god was messing with her.

The seniors came towards them with the biggest won at the lead.
He was grinning broadly and his eyes sparkled as if he had just seen a group of preys.

"You said something little punk." He said closing on Edward.

"We booked this training ground so get lost." Edward said nonchalantly.

The grin froze on the big one's face. The silence was broken when a senior from behind chuckled. Then they all were laughing. The big one loudest of all. Jenny assumed him the leader.

"Seeming like we have to teach some manners to this one." There leader said to others then turned back to Edward.

Edward was a little shorter than him and the leader grinned as he closed the distance between them. The leader stepped forward until he was towering over Edward.


Was all he could reach before Edward brought his leg in a side ark causing him to get on his knees.

"I seriously hate when someone looks down on me." Edward said in the same nonchalant voice.

All the laughter was gone from the seniors voice and he made to grab Edward's face but Teon caught his hand.

Teon was suddenly there as if he had teleported.

"Stop." Teon said in a grave voice.
"All of you stop."

Jenny only then noticed the other seniors. There was a small fireball near some of them and almost all were in casting position with one hand held atop there chest and the other pointed towards Edward.

They all lowered there hand slowly and the fireball vanished.

There leader also wrenched his hand free from Teon's grasp glaring at Edward.

"You will regret this." He said spiting the words.

"I doubt that." Edward said with a smirk.

"Enough." Teon bellowed." I am standing right here and you dare to make threats,Markus."

"I apologize." Markus said not taking his eyes off Edward.
"We will meet in the competition."

Saying that Markus walked away with his lackeys following him.

"Will he be in the competition?" Harry asked staring at Markus's retreating back.

"He is the no.1 second year." Teon said with a sigh.
"You made a tough enemy."

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