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Under the glaring eyes of everyone Edward stepped down the last step of staircase and made his way on towards the jar of water which was sitting on the table next to the letter box.

"Ok it may seem like I am repeating myself but, why did you do that?!" Harry cried staring at Edward.

Edward grabbed the jar and puree water into the cup in his hand.

"Did you know what you got us into?! It's the summer camp held by the ten top academy and they send there best students in there. We will have to compete with them and you know we will get crushed!." Jenny shouted.

"No,I don't." Edward replied reaching over to his pocket and pulling out a small white packet which he teared open before dumping the white powder inside in the cup.

"Come on it will not be that bad and look on the bright side."

"What bright side?!" Everybody snapped,even Penney although hers was almost a question.

"Your parents are proud of you." He said chuckling finding something amusing at that before drowning the cup.

That was a point Jenny could not argue and she felt that neither could anybody else. She had felt happy to make her dad proud or at least to get him to notice her.

"That box looks terrible." Edward sai staring intensily at the letter box.

"Or not there is chocolate in here." Edward said pulling out a small box of choclate with a letter attached to it.

Edward read the letter and and started laughing while looking at Harry.

"That must be mine." Harry said reaching over for the box but Edward stepped back and kept the box out of his reach and started reading the letter aloud in a high pitched girly voice.

"For dear Harry,
I know your heart must ache for me as mine does in the whole time we are apart-"

Harry lunged at the box but Edward danced away and kept reading.

"It hasn't been that long since you left but my heart feels like it is being torn into piece when I am not seeing you."

Penney started laughing and soon Gracial joined. Even Jenny found herself chuckling while looking at Edward run acroos the length of the room while reading the letter with a blushing Harry at his tail.

"I made these heart shaped chocolates for you and give you my heart forever with them.
Your love

By the time he was finished everybody was laughing,well everybody except of Harry. Edward tossed the letter at Harry who caught it looking red like tomato.

"Sho shweet." Edward said in between laughs.

"I will get you for this." Harry said causing Edward to laugh harder.

Jenny found herself stairing at this new laughing Edward. His laugh and smile seemed more warm and cheerful then his usual carefree and taunting one.

His grey eyes which were usually guarded were full of laughter and far maore beautiful. The eyes which were now looking straight at her.

The green eyes met the grey ones and Jenny felt like time had slowed to a stop. That was until Edward smiled a small smile at her and winked with his playful eyes.

Then the time bolted forward faster then before but not as fast as Jenny's heart. Jenny felt a blush creep up her cheeks and hurriedly looked away wondering what was wrong with her.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Desperate to distract herself from whatever she was feeling she hurriedly over to open the door.

"Is Edward here?" Jessica asked as soon as Jenny opened the door.

"Yup,he is." Edward said coming over from behind and bending down to rest his chin on Jenny's shoulder while his left arm rested on top of her left shoulder.

Jenny's heart started to beat faster,something she was sure was not possible, and her body felt like it was on fire. A rational part of her mind told her to swat his arm away but her treacherous hand didn't oblige,while another part wondered why Edward was behaving like this.

"I want to talk to you. Alone." Jessica said after throwing a confused glance at them.

"About the pendant." Edward said grinning cheekily.
"We can but not now. Not the right time."

"When is the right time?" Jessica asked through narrowed eyes.

"You will know when it comes but first we have to go to the senior section of the library."

Edward turned his head towards Jenny and she could feel his warm breath on her neck and smell the smell of wood and paper and something else coming from him.

"Jenny,you want to go?"

It was the first time Edward had called her that and,for some reason she couldn't comprehend, she liked the sound of her name coming from his lips.

"She is coming too." Edward said after some time when Jenny didn't reply.

With a tired sigh Edward straighten up and took his hand of her shoulder and turned back to shout at the others.

"You people want to come?!"

Jenny's body finally started to follow her command and she punched Edward in the back which Edward didn't notice.

"Where?" Gracial said approaching the door with Harry and Penney in tow.

"To the library of secretes."


The wonderful feeling she had yesterday when she entered that section of library was still there and this time the calming aura almost made her not to go anywhere else and just grab a book and read it in peace.

And that was exactly what she was trying to do but having Edward around wasn't helping much with selcting a good book to read.

When they had entered the library all of them had agreed that they would tour the library sepreately since it was so big that they won't be able to tour it all if they were together. And then they would meet in the sitting area.

Jenny had gone with her instincts to a cornor that seemed more pleasing. And of course Edward had chosen the same cornor.

Jenny wouldn't have minded that much if Edward had just silently decided to get on with whatever he was doing but since when did ever things go Jenny's way.

"Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Read it. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crappier. Crappier......Ridiculous!"

Edwards word echoed around the small cornor of the library and distracted Jenny from concentrating on the books in front of her. Jenny really didn't want to start an argument with Edward so she wasn't saying anything but her patience was running thinner every second.

"Read it. Read it. Read it. Read- ah this won't do."

Jenny turned when she heard footsteps coming her way and saw an annoyed Edward coming her way.

"Let's go meet up with everybody else." He said striding purposely towards the sitting cornor.

With a slightly confused look Jenny followed.

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