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The three moons looked practical bright to Jenny Alberto tonight,it was as if they were trying to throw light particularly on the six figures which were quietly slipping through the door to the school.

"The security sure is lax." Edward commented as he walked towards the great stairs or more specifically the stairs which led down near it. He also held a torch in his hand even though Jenny had a fire blazing on her hand which clearly illuminated the path in front of them.

"Well the main security patrols over the boundaries of the academy to protect it from  dangerous outsiders. They didn't really thought that they would have to invest more security from insider." Jessica replied before continuing in a lower whisper."oh,how wrong was my father."

"Well it's still impressive that you managed to get the keys for door." Jenny said in an attempt to lift up Jessica's spirits.

Jessica smiled like it was no big deal but also looked a little proud. Jenny glanced around to see how the others were faring. Gracial seemed determined,Penney was excited and Harry was looking more and more uncertain as they climbed down the stairs which led to the underground library.

Before the midnight arrived Jenny had shared Harry's uncertainty. But ever since they started there way towards the school ground Jenny knew there was no turning back so she now thought that she might as well go along with it.

When they reached the library door Jessica stepped up and placed the key inside the keyhole. The door opened with a lot more voice then anybody would have liked and they hurriedly made there way.

Just as they reached another door and Jessica pressed her blood against it Jenny noticed Edward gulping down from a bottle. She gave a quizzical look at him but he ignored it and they made there way forward. Edward ope ed up the map and carefully looked at it and then the surrounding. Then he went left on keeping the close to the walls.

They went left for a long time before turning right and only walking a short path towards it they turned right again. Then left,right,left and left again.

Jenny thought that Edward didn't know where they were going anymore and her suspicious grew when they arrived in front of a bookshelf pressed against the wall.

"Are we lost?" Jenny voiced her suspicion but Edward ignored her and ran hand side of bookshelf and then started walking over to a lamp on its side which was not currently lighted. He tried twisting it but nothing happened so he started knocking at the brick wall on its side.

"I don't think that's very helpful." Jenny commented but at that moment a hollow sound rang when Edward knocked on a particular brick. His hands tentatively pressed the brick and the book shelf slidded up to show a dark passage.

"Clearly you don't know the meaning of helpful." Edward said before entering the dark cave-like-passage.

Penney almost skipped as she followed Edward with Gracial close behind taking long determined steps. Jenny followed them inside holding up the hand with the flame so that they could see where they were going while Harry and Jessica walked behind in an uncomfortable silence.

Ever since Jessica had made her joke Harry refused to talk or as much as look at her. Needless to say his little crush,was crushed.

As Jenny stepped on the rocky surface of the passage suddenly a chill invaded her heart and the flame in her hand flickered before going out.

"What happened?!" Harry cried as darkness fell on him.

"I..I don't know." Jenny stuttered trying but failing to restore the fire in her hand. The chill increased and sent shivers down her spine and she gave up on trying to make the fire.

"No need to get freaked out." Edward said turning back and walking towards them with the torch held in his hand.

Just at that time the bookshelf slid back down ,closing there exit. Immediately everybody started to speak at once,some muttering with panic, and some others,Harry and Penney,gave out horrified shrieks.

"Calm down,there is no need to panic." Edward said which caused the voices to start blaming him.

"Shut up!!" Edward roared and immediately everybody stopped talking. His eyes looked cold as he frowned before taking a deep breathe and his expression was once again blank.

"Huddle close together and stay close to the torch." Edward said as he led the way with Harry on one side and Jenny on the other. Gracial was directly behind Edward and Jenny felt a little weird to bee sandwithched between peney and Jessica who were at her front and back respectively.

They moved on like that until they came across a door. It was of normal size,made with metal and of bluish black colour. It seemed like any other normal door. The only thing weird about it was that it was placed in a cave.

"We have come acroos a lot of doors." Jenny commented before catching the torch which was thrown at her.

"Hey!" She complained but Edward ignored her and started pushing the door open with both of his hands. The door made a creaking sound as if it hadn't been opened in a long time. One by one they all passed through the door.

When Jenny came across the new passage the chill in her heart went out and she could once again ignite her fire. But they reallly didn't need it now. This passage was covered with brown tiles which had a brightness of their own which illuminated the whole passage.

If that wasn't enough there were also orbs of lights circuiling around which were slowly gathering around them or more specifically towards the map in Edward's hand. The orbs dived down in the map and once again the writings on the map started swirling around.

"What kind of magic is that?!" Exclaimed Gracial and everyone else had the same thoughts. Even Jenny who had seen more weird types of magic then she could bother to remember.

"It must be some kind of mixture of ancient runes and spirit magic or maybe just another kind of magic.." Penney was muttering under her breathe with excited look on her face. Harry gave her a weird glance which she noticed and looked up but hasty immediately averted his eyes. Seems like he is still angry with her,Jenny thought but her main focus was towards the map.

"Okaaay.."Edward mumbled as the he studied the newly alerted map in his hand. Jenny peered over his shoulder and closely observed the new map. It showed a maze which opened up to a big empty circle which Jenny figured must be the library.

"Look there it divides into two parts right there. Let's explore quickly!" Penney said excitedly as she took a step forward. Unfortunately she stepped on some kind of tricked tile because the next thing Jenny knew the two walls on the side started to move towards each other with them in between.

A quick glance back told Jenny that the door had closed itself behind them.

"Run!" Edward shouted as he and Harry took off towards the front.

"Some men they are." Gracial remarked dryly as she also started running. The girls nodded furiously as they all ran forward.

"To the left!" Edward shouted from ahead before tuning to the left direction. Jessica who was at the last barely made it as the walls closed themselves just as she reached the safe area.

"I swear if I die because of your excitement,I would haunt you forever." Harry growled at Penney. Penney looked down at ground but Jenny thought she saw a hint of smile on her lips.

"Ok,people lets proceed quickly and carefully." Edward said as he led them onwards. The journey was turning out to be okay although there were some dangerous traps they all managed to survive them with little or no problem.

It wasn't until they arrived in a bright open area that they encountered a truly dangerous situation. Jenny and the others felt excited when they saw the path open up to a bigger area. Edward was the only one who frowned.

It wasn't until they had all stepped into the open area that Jenny realised the danger of the situation. And when Jenny did see the danger her heart started pounding with panick.

Because in front of them sat a majestic lion looking down at them with his intelligent green eyes.

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