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Jenny smirked as she made her way out of the ring. Expecting to find Edward's suprised face but when she reached her seat there was no sign of Edward anywhere.

"You were great." Penney chirped excitedly by her side.

"That mid-air move was amazing." Gracial said.

"I think you broke his teeth." Harry added happily.

"Thanks." Jenny said exchanging grins with them.
"Where is Edward?" She asked looking around.

"He said he had to get some stuff." Harry replied.

"Since when was he gone?" Jenny said frowning.

"About as soon as your match started." Harry answered.

The frown deepened. Is that how sure was he about her losing?,Jenny thought to herself.

"Well he was wrong." Jenny said aloud.

"What?" Gracial asked.

"You know Edward. Remember how he said I would lose? Guess he underestimated me." Jenny said smirking a little.Through it still angered her that he hadn't even watched her match. Jenny would have liked to see his expression then.

"Well not exactly." Gracial said uncertainly.
"He said you would win for sure." She continued.

Before Jenny could enquire anymore something hitted her back of head.

"A buffo isn't supposed to get cocky." Edward said with a sheathed sword in his black gloved hand.

Jenny threw a punch his way but Edward simply pulled Penney in front of him causing Jenny to stop.

"Hiding behind a girl⁉How can you call yourself a man!!" Jenny fumed.

Edward simply shrugged.

"You are not gonna fight with that sword are you?" Gracial asked looking at the sword in Edwards hand in desbelif.

The hilt looked rusted and as Edward pulled the sword out it revealed that the sword was blunt.

"Looks like I am." Edward said putting the sheath away.

"Can't you get another sword?" Jenny asked.

"It was the only one they could give for free." Edward replied.

"Can you even fight with a sword?" Jenny asked doubtfuly.

Jenny knew for a fact that using sword while using magic was tiring and if you didn't use a sword properly it would only become a hindrance.

"I am fighting with one now." Edward replied.

"It can't cut anything." Harry satated the obvious.

"Doesn't matter." Edward said before starting on towards the ring.

Jenny shook her head as she watched Edwards back. She had begun to look forward to this fight after seeing Edward's plan work in the first fight but now seeing the sword it put doubt in Jenny's mind.

"What will happen to the bet if there is a tie?" Jenny asked.

"It will be null and void." Gracial said thoughtfully.

Jenny sighed as she sank on her chair. To her it was a relief that the stupid bet was getting null and void.

"Now the score is 2-1 with the first-year at lead!! It has been more than 20 years since a fight like this has gone towards a tie!! The fight now taking place is the one you have been waiting for. It has been a long time since anybody has ever heard audience cheering this one sidedly. It has been clear that Edward Framton has quickly become the source of students hatred."

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