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At the top of the sumut mountains stood great castles. The castles,the fountain and the shops lined up beside it almost made it look like a town. Right now the gates of the town were wide open through which carriages would often pass. There was some commotion when a carriage with Alberto clan's Mark passed by the gate.

But the crowd surrounding the gate had somewhat gotten used to it now. They had after all already seen three such royal carriages pass by.

Compared to the crowd outside the gate the crowd inside the gate was greatly thinner and composed of only youngsters. Although there were some old and middle aged man patrolling the borders.

The youngsters were also stirred up when they saw the royal carriage enter. The only people who remained indifferent were four youngsters. As soon as the carriage stooped Jenny and the others stepped out of the carriage. Jenny looked behind but the carriage with Edward in it was yet to come. Back in the way there carriage had easily left them in dust.

Harry and the others were greatly impressed by the beautiful castles and couldn't wait to explore them but they remained stationary seeing that everyone was gathered in this spot.

"Hey look isn't that the young lady of the Alberto clan?!"

"Yeah! She looks just like a fairy!!"

The various whispers were not gone unnoticed by Jenny but she played them no heed and from the corner of her eyes looked towards the other three royal carriages.

Firstly she noticed the carriage of the Edmonton,the wind seekers,clan. Standing beside that carriage stood two beautiful girls. The younger of the two was laughing merrily as her slave performed trucks for her while the older girl had her arms crossed before her chest and her eyes closed.

The second carriage belonged to the Izmir,the ice seekers,clan. The boy who stood next to it had a frown upon his face as he impatiently tapped his forefinger on his crossed arms.

The third carriage belonged to Orton,the earth shakers,clan. There was a huge group of female gathered around the carriage,or more specifically the boy who stood beside the carriage. The youngsters eyes shined as he gazed upon the many girls who surrounded them and he openly flirted with them. But what made Jenny feel even more disgusted was to see where he was seated. The slave upon which the boy sat looked about in his thirties, with torn clothes and haggard looks to show how he was being treated.

With disgust Jenny looked again towards the slave who was juggling in front of the girl from the Edmonton clan. She knew that they weren't the only slaves they had brought by looking at the people who carried there stuff. Even though she didn't really know them Jenny felt a new found sympathy for them. And that was because she knew that all the slaves belonged to the no clan.

Although Jenny couldn't speak certainly for her whole clan but she herself had never bought a slave. Even the maids at her home and the old man and the carriage driver were part of one of the small branch of the Alberto clan and no slave. Before Jenny hadn't bothered to think anything about the slave system but know after meeting Edward she felt it to be disgusting and wrong.

"Man,people from four of the five great clan gathered for a camp. This is giving me goosebumps." Markus spoke faintly as he observed his surroundings.

"And giving me the..the..oh,I can't even begin to describe my nervousness." Harry spoke as he wiped the sweat of his face.

"Do you think people from the Orinoco clan will also come?" Gracial asked in an excited voice. The prospect of the younger generation of all the five royal clan competing together would of course excite anyone.

"Hmm,I rather doubt it." Jenny replied. The people from Orinoco clan rather preferred to train there younger generation in there own clan.

"Those men from the royal clan look so handsome." Jessica said as she looked at them with dreamy eyes causing Markus to warily glance at those guys again.

"And so arrogant!" Penney huffed by her side. Her eyes showing disgust similar to Jenny's.

"Oh,here comes our school's carriage!" Harry exclaimed and Jenny's eyes immediately snapped to the carriage which was passing through the gate.

After the carriage passed through the gate closed shut. The carriage stopped a few yards away from there carriage,out of which a group of merry and laughing third years stepped out. And in the middle of the group chatting non-stop was Edward.

Beside Edward was a third year girl who seemed to be laughing at his joke. The girl was leaning heavily on his arm as she chuckled.

"Well it seems like he got himself a pretty girl while we were away." Harry said sounding jealous.

"No No No, they are just laughing and talking there is nothing really unusual about there,right?" Penney said jabbing her elbow in Harry's chest as she hurriedly threw a glance at the thunderstruck Jenny.

Jenny took a deep breath to calm herself down. What was wrong with her?! What the hell was she getting upset about?! There is nothing unusual about this at all. Jenny's heart calmed a little with the last thought.

"He doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get here." Jessica remarked dryly.

Edward was indeed in no seemingly hurry at all. He was chatting with third years as he casually stood next to the girl. Jenny lightly frowned and wondered if she should send Harry to get Edward here, when a sudden action caused all her thoughts to scatter.

The girl beside Edward ,very casually, pressed her chest on his right shoulder and inched closer to his face until her lips were almost touching his ears. Her lips lightly moved and Jenny could swear she heard her seductive whispers all the way from there.

"Let's go." Jenny curtly spoke as she marched on towards the third years group. The sour feeling in her chest caused Jenny to ignore all the stares she got from the surrounding crowd. She didn't even bother glancing back to see her friends jogging to keep up with her brisk pace.

The girl was the first to notice Jenny making her way towards her and she slightly pulled back to stare at her. The sudden stare she got from Jenny caused the girl to take a couple of steps away from Edward. The group of students which were standing beside Edward hurriedly stepped back too so that they could clear a path for Jenny.

Edward on the other hand didn't look towards Jenny until she stood right in front of him.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Jenny said as she looked at the girl who shrinked a little under her gaze.

"Aww,Is the buffo jealous?" Edward spoke with a grin. The stunned gazes Edward got from the crowd were numerous. And what amazed them even more was that Jenny wasn't actually refuting being addressed like that by Edward.

"Of course not. I am just annoyed that you are having all the fun while you made us guilty about leaving without you in my carriage." Jenny answered.

"Well you can't blame me for that! I don't like traveling in such big carriage and it's your fault for being guilty." Edward said as he spread his hands.

Jenny lightly snorted at his words. Harry took this moment to go to his side and tell him about how great the carriage was. Edward told Harry,quite clearly, that he didn't care but Harry still gave him the detailed description. After which he,in quite a round about manner,asked him how he got it on with the girl.

The surrounding crowd soon last intrest and the third years also sepreated themselves into a diffrent group from Edward's.

Jenny smiled upon seeing that and soon engaged in a talk with Penney and Gracial while Jessica kept Markus company. It was only after another three minutes that a commotion once again rose which was followed by the arrival of Jenny's brothers.

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