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"Do you know what's happening?" Jenny asked as her brothers also joined her on the open ground. The open ground was just on the edge of the forest and that's where everyone had gathered.

"Pretty much." Ethan answered. He had been here twice and was quite familiar with how things went. After some waiting the two old men whom they had seen in the morning appeared,followed by four adults wearing robes.

"Ok I am sure that all of you are confused right now and would like me to clear things up. Just for the sake of that,I won't clear things up for you. Now you have two minutes form teams with people around you. Make a team of 5-7,and being from different school does not matter at all. For you to be considered a group the team leader should step forward with a slip of paper bearing the name of his teammates. Now get into it!" One of the adults wearing the robe said this with a big smile. He looked quite excited.

Jenny looked towards Penney and Gracial who were looked back at her with a slight smile. .Ethan and Blake saw this and smiled a rare proud smile. They wished her luck and went off towards the group of students from their school. Gracial and Penney who had distanced themselves to give space to Jenny and her brother before quickly moved towards her. Together they looked around and quickly found Harry who was was wildly looking around.

Harry quickly sighed in relief when he saw the girls coming towards them and nudged Edward who was yawning by his side. Others groups of people were also forming around them.

"I am so relieved that we are doing this as a team. Now it will be at least more bearable." Penney spoke truthfully.

"With this guy as our team leader? No way. He is sure to get us in some crazy dangerous situation." Jenny said and everyone else agreed.

"So you have already assumed me as the leader,huh?" Edward spoke with a smirk and Jenny immediately regretted speaking.

"Oh,here comes Jessica too." Gracial said as she looked towards the unsure Jessica who was slowly approaching them. Before the others could greet her with a warm welcome Edward smiled towards her and shook his head. Jessica stopped,then quickly turned around and hurriedly walked away. The others exchanged confused looks while Edward took paper and pen that was being handed out by the instructors.

"What was that for?" Jenny asked in confusion.

"It would uneven our team." Edward replied as he wrote the names on paper. Jenny wasn't really sure about that but didn't question him. Nor did anybody else. Soon two minutes passed and almost everyone had formed teams. The man who had spoken before told the leaders to step in front of him and hand him the paper.

Ethan's team of five comprised of people of Royal Alpha except one exception. Blake had formed a diffrent team and was also their leader. Most of the attention was given to Ethan as he stepped forward but there was also someone else who received almost as much attention.

The team that was getting much attention now was comprised of Kent Izmir,the two sisters from Edmonton clan,two guys who were from the second most powerful school and leading them was Kenneth Izmir,Kent Izmir's older brother and also the person who held the title of the second strongest in Royal Alpha. The strongest being Ethan.

In total there were a total of eleven leaders and they handed their papers to the man who smiled brightly at them. Markus and Jessica had joined the team of third year whose leader looked like a nervous mess.Nobody paid much attention to Edward although Ethan and Blake looked suprised that Jenny wasn't the leader. Jenny and the others were pretty relaxed but as the man spoke that wasn't the case anymore.

"Ok so you guys are going to be competing against each other and will have some major roles to play so I want you guys to introduce yourself and also address your team." The man said and gestured for Ethan to speak first.

"I am Ethan Alberto from Alberto clan and that there is my team.." Ethan started half heartedly and others followed declaring there name and clan.

Jenny and others exchanged worried looks not because they were embarrassed of Edward but because they knew how others would react towards someone from the no clan. And they were worried how Edward would react back to them.

Edward's number came after the third year from their school who kept stammering continuously. Their group held there breathe as Edward stepped forward and prepared themselves for what was going to follow.

"The name is Edward Framton ,from no clan." That single sentance was enough to get more than enough gasps and hideous reactions. Students started whispering. Even the smile on the instructor's face froze. There were many disgusted reactions even Blake looked with part disgust towards Edward while Ethan looked amused.

"Whoever's slave has been sent forth here should call him bavk.Even for a joke this is too far. Making me stand next to a slave like this is insulting. Get him out of here!" Kenneth Izmir spoke loudly and stepped away from Edward looking disgusted.

"Yeah get him out of here!" Chorus of agreement sounded from the students and some other leaders.

"I say have the slave be flocked a hundred times,right here,right now." The little girl from the Edmonton clan spoke with a giggle.

Although Jenny and the others were first worried that Edward would pick fight with someone far stronger than them,at that moment they forgot all about it. At that moment they themselves would have stepped up and defended or even gotten into a fight for their friend if Edward hadn't spoken just then.

"Unsightly,truly people like you make me want to vomit." Edward spoke and his voice cut through all the whispers. The chill and the unhidden disgust in his voice made the open ground descend into silence.

"What did you say?!" Kenneth Izmir was quick to anger and his imposing manner made many scared.

"I said you make me sick. You people of big clan who can't do anything except relying on your f*cking father for doing everything for you. You act like king even though you are just a weakling who can't even survive without the backing of your clan. Ignorant,hypocrite piece of trash like you are even below the slaves." Edward spoke and for good measure Edward spat on Kenneth's face.

All the spectator were shocked by his actions. Soon gasps and muttering followed. Someone even had the nerve to chuckle and for the first time in his life Kenneth felt humiliated. And it didn't take much time for those feelings to turn into rage.

"You bastard!!" The temperature of the area dropped drastically and frost covered the ground. Kenneth launched a punch at Edwards face but the instructor stepped up and lightly deflected the punch.

"Don't stop me!! Today I will kill this trash!" Kenneth roared and a sword of ice soon formed in his hands. But as soon as it was formed lightning smashed it to ground. The instructor signalled him to stop but Kenneth's fury was uncontrollable. A dark blue-green coloured armour covered his body and in a flash he was behind the unmoving Edward.

"You are not fighting under my watch." The instructor spoke and Kenneth was zapped back. His armour persisted for some moments before collapsing. By that time Kenneth was panting and seemed to be in pain but did not have any visible injury.

"Acting like a lunatic over some little thing,guess the title of Royal really suits you." Edward spoke in contempt and Kenneth's eyes turned red with anger. Even people in his team and some other people from major clan looked offended and angry with him.

"Enough! No one speaks! Each team will enter the forest behind us and get me the damned chest that has been placed in the middle of the forest. You can fight there for all I care but remember this,you have to be back till four hours and the forest is really big and the teams arriving last will face penalty,while the team arriving first will get a huge reward so fighting will just put you in a disadvantage. Now you have two minutes to discuss any strategies you have and after that you enter the forest through separate entrance. Now go to your respective place!"

The man who wasn't smiling anymore shouted most of the time at Edward and Kenneth ignored him and went towards their own teams.

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