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Jenny couldn't believe that she was actually taking part in a robbery. And although it hadn't happened yet she was still contributing to the plan and she couldn't decide what was wrong or right.

Even though Edward had clearly declared that he wanted to steal the most treasured books of this academy everyone else had just treated this as an adventure and eagerly joined in. The only one against the idea were Jenny and Jessica,who had been forced to agree to help, which had left with Jenny the only one opposing the idea. And that was when Jenny had also given in to the plan.

Although Jenny would never admit it the reason was simply that she didn't want to be the only one left out.

Jenny picked out a book from the shelf in front of her at random and started skimming through it. Only to realise that the book didn't look old enough. According to Edward there was a book in this library that would have hints to where the hidden section and all he knew about that book was that it was very old,probably 400 years, and contained the history of this academy and that it had a hard thick black cover.

Now some people would consider the task of finding a single book out of some hundred thousands impossible,Jenny being one of them,but clearly Edward Framton didn't share the same thoughts.

So now here she was all alone in a cornor of library searching for a book she didn't seem likely to get. It had been Jenny who had pointed out that they would have ore chances of finding the book if they split up and search for it but now it felt like a punch in her guts.

After skimming through some other books Jenny decided that the book was not present in her cornor and started walking away. She had just gone a few steps ahead when she heard voices.

The voice was too low to make out what they were saying but Jenny felt sure that she caught one saying'Edward'. Intrested Jenny made her way towards the voice and found herself on a small place between two shelf.

The place could barely hold more  than three people and she was suprised to find Jessica sitting alone on the ground between the two shelf.

"Who the!- oh I-it's you." Jessica exclaimed hurriedly standing up and letting go of her pendant.

"You ..shocked me." Jessica said comming out of her little place.

"Who were you talking to?" Jenny said peering behind Jessica's shoulder to see whether there was someone else but of course there wasn't.

"Nobody just...Myself." Jessica answered shifting her weight from one leg to another.

"So, you were talking to ............
..yourself?" Jenny said trying but failing to not to look like she was questioning her sanity.

"Umh yeah pretty much." Jessica said smiling a akward smile to which Jenny wasn't sure she should smile back to.

Then there was once again the silence in which Jenny didn't know what she had to say.

"So ten summer camp,huh?" Jenny said trying desperately to fill the akward silence.

"I know. There is just one month left until we plunge ourselves at the hell. Who knew that I would be forced to go to that hell with 15 other people?" Jessica remarked dryly.

"Well if it is any consolation everybody else except Edward is also being forced but I don't get what you meant by 15 people."

"16 peopple from our school go to the camp every year. It mostly  consists of third years." Jessica explained.

"Won't the third years feel angry that we took there spots?"

"Opposite. I am sure they will party that some of them don't have to go. You know last year a girl cried and threatened to jump off the roof when the teachers chose her. Now I can imagine how she felt. It's all that bloody idiot's fault!!"

"Truly spoken." Jenny agreed.

"Hey no slacking off!" Edward said coming around the corner.

"Speak of the devil." Jenny muttered as Edward closed on.

"Come on,Don't just start gossiping like some old hag. Go get some work done." Edward complained.

"Yes boss." Jessica spat as she went off her own way.

"She is becoming obedient." Edward commented. "You not so much." He said turning to face Jenny.

"You should watch your back there are many people out there just waiting for a chance to spill your blood" Jenny replied.

"You scare the life out of me." Edward said with a yawn.

"Oh,look what we have here!" A voice spoke from behind. Jenny turned around to see Markus comming there way with his three lackeys following behind.

"One twin goes and another annoying one comes." Edward muttered under his breathe shoving his hands in his pockets and staring ahead at Markus.

"What a suprise?! How did you beg your way in here?" Markus said with a smirk although it died a little when his eyes focused on Jenny.

"The more suprising thing here is to see brain dead people with books. Tell me can you even read what's written in the book you are carrying?" Edward replied with a taunting smile.

"Don't push your luck,brat. I hear an annoying peep from you and I will beat the living out off you." Markus spat,glaring at him with his bloodshot eyes. Jenny felt rather akward standing there with Markus lackeys eyeing her warily.

For some seconds Edward didn't reply,in fact he looked suprised but then he broke into laugh. In chuckles which contained no humor.

"Empty words from a coward never fazes to amaze me." He said in between chuckles. Markus looked like he was going to explode but his expression changed when Edward took a step towards him and looked him in the eyes. Jenny watched as the anger dropped from Markus face and he was suddenly wary and ..afraid although he tried to hide it Jenny could see that his eyes contained a bit of fear.It took Jenny some moments to confirm that and then she was confused.

"See one small move from me and you are sweating in your points. Were you that shaken by our duel? You even attacked me from behind. Well it's my fault really I should predicted that you would get that scared. Ah,I did pay a price for it." Edward said the smile still placed in his face.

Scared?!why?, No reasonable explanation came to Jenny's mind as she thought about it. Edward had won the battle but he hadn't even got the chance to actually inflict any damage on either of them so why the twins would be scared of Edward was something Jenny couldn't comprehend.

Markus lackeys looked akward now standing there seeing how there leader was sweating and looking scared.

"I will kill you." He growled at Edward before stomping away.

"Hey don't just stand there we have work to do." Edward said pushing Jenny towards some shelfs.

"It's no use. Finding that stupid books is impossible." Jenny said stamping on Edwards left foot with her right one.

"Nothing is impossible." Edward said shifting his weight to his right foot.

"There you are!!" Harry shouted running up to them.

"Dude, don't forget it's a library." said Edward.

"Penney says she found the book!"

"See nothing is impossible." Edward said smiling down at her.

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