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Some hours before Jenny and the others made it out of the forest.

"Where is he?!" Kenneth shouted at no one in particular as he wildly looked around him. Th Edmonton sisters were leaning on a bark of a tree and Kent Izmir was roaming around the area looking for any signs of Edward. He had ordered the other two guys from their team to split up and search around a wider area ahead.

This was the place where they had lost the sight of Edward and from his abrupt disappearance Kenneth was certain that he was hiding somewhere in this area. But even after searching for some time they couldn't find him anywhere and Kenneth was getting more and more frustrated.

"What's got you all angry now Kenneth? I could hear you shout from miles away." Blake Alberto spoke in a mocking tone. He walked towards them followed closely by his four other teammates. The two girls from Edmonton clan were no longer leaning on the tree and were cautiously looking towards Blake. Kent was also cautious and grabbed at the hilt of his sword.

"Fuck off, Blake. I am not in the mood to listen to your bullshit." Kenneth didn't pay much attention to Blake and continued looking around him in the hopes of catching even a glimpse of Edward.

"Judging by your actions I assume you haven't even managed to capture that trash,yet. Hahaha,You should be ashamed of yourself Kenneth. A trash has made a fool of you." Blake laughed and Kenneth rounded up on him.

"Don't you dare speak that way to me! If it was someone else I would have long beaten some sense to him. The only reason I don't is cause you will go and bitch about it to your brother,just like you always do. But continue that way and I will forget about the consequences." Kenneth spoke and Blake's laughter died down. His fingers curled into fist and he took two steps forward.

But then he paused. The reason was evident to all the others who were present in that area. Shouts and voice of hurried footsteps were coming their way and everybody focused on the direction where they were coming from. Kenneth and Blake immediately recongnized the group of people that came in front of them. It was Ethan's teammates and they were quite suprisdd to see them come running.

And they weren't the only team. There were two more teams with them and just at that time another team came from the other direction. They were not running and had simply stumbled upon here by pure accident. It was the team of which Jessica and Markus were part of.

The teams which had come running stopped when they saw the other two teams which stood in front of them. They looked out of breathe and slightly worn out as if they had just came from a fight.

"Did any of you see that Edward Framton? He was runing right ahead of us." A girl from Ethan's team asked. Speaking 'Edward Framton' with pure hatred and despise.

Kenneth looked quite suprised at the mention of Edward's name and was about to ask what was going on when another voice was heard,coming from above.

"No they didn't. Well until now." Edward spoke while sitting on top of a tree's branch. The people on the ground were startled and quickly looked up towards him. Kenneth and the girl who had spoken before were furious upon seeing him and quickly began walking towards that particular tree before stopping and noticing each other.

"You got a feud with him,too?" Kenneth asked.

"Yeah. It's really recent. Our team was just traveling minding our own business when this damned boy came running up to us with crazy beasts chasing him. The beasts saw us and then their attention got diverted and then he ran off gloatingly laughing at us. And this didn't happen only once. It happened thrice with new beasts and a new additional team every time. All the teams over there has bone to pick with this idiot who laughed at us as we all faught those beasts. Today I am going to teach this boy a lesson and no one can stop me!!" The girl said,each line filled with emotions of rage,frustration, desire, resentment and a firmness in it.

"No one is stopping you. Just teach him that lesson after I am done with her." Kenneth spoke as he glared at Edward who was looking down at him with a bored expression.

Blake had an attitude of a person watching an interesting show while Jessica and their team were at loss of what to do.

"Hmm,both of you are just giving boring suggestions. What do you all think about playing a really interesting game with me?" Edward spoke with a grin.

Blake was one of the many who laughed at Edwards words. What game? He was clearly trying to somehow get out of this situation by pulling a really old trick.

"Don't go spouting nonsense,now." Kenneth spoke and got ready to leap at him with magic boosting his leg strength when Edward took something out of which pocket which made everybody freeze in shock. And that shock was quickly replaced by greed.

Currently Edward held a shiny bluish-green ball which everyone in Elean could recognise at first sight. It was a fragment of the Andinn. Andinn is basically the crystal formed by the life essence thousands and millions of demonic spirts. It was so rare that even Blake had seen it only twice and both times he hadn't been allowed to touch it.

There were rumors that these Andinn had such incredible power that it could supply ten Opera at a time and was even being used by the five great clan to make a device of such power that could possibly eliminate a whole island. And since it was so rare not many people had been able to vitness it's power and many ignorant even said that the power of the Andinn was nothing but a myth. But people from the major clan knew that was not the case.

"I have only seen it's pictures in books before. Oh god is that no that can't be the real deal right?" A person who had come with the girl spoke in disbelief and suspicious.

"Nah it's the real deal." Blake and Kenneth spoke at the same time their eyes glued to the crystal in Edward's hand.

"An Andinn!" Jessica spoke under her breathe. Truly amazed by its shine. It was her first time seeing it and the same was the case of everybody else except the kids from the great clans. There excitement was not contained and they all whispered about it with the people standing next to them.

"So the kids from the great clan has been taught how to distinguish real from the fake. That's great,so you guys also know what a waste it would be if I were to break this right?" Edward spoke with a grin and everybody fell into silence once again and Kenneth and the girl who were ready to pounce on Edward became hesitant. Although they knew that Andinn did contain incredible power it was fragile and needed to be properly preserved. Certain techniques has to be used to extract the power from within the Andinn and without those techniques Andinn was nothing but a shiny egg.

"Edward,the teammate of my sister,I think I have misjudged you. You are more resourceful than you look. Now I don't think you truly understand the value of that Andinn in your hand. It would just rot there and you won't really gain anything from it without the proper methods. How about this,you hand me over that thing and I would safely escort you and even give you some gold coins? You are after all my sister's teammate." Blake spoke in a clear voice,with a friendly smile, as he made his way towards Edward's tree.

Blake knew the true value of the Andinn. If he was the one to bring it back to his clan then it would finally be his turn to shine. He would finally be able to get out of Ethan's shadow. Edward returned Blake's smile but the words he spoke contradict his friendly smile.

"If any of you takes even one steps towards me I will break this little thing. Trust me."

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