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Ethan gazed towards the forest with a glow in his eyes. In the dark his his eyes looked like it had a small flame burning inside them.Harry who was just looking around got quite amazed by that. It was as if small fireworks were dancing around Ethan's eyes. Jenny and some others also noticed that but it was only Jenny that got a little worried over that. Their group was sitting a distance on the grass some distance away from him.

That's not good,he is getting excited. Jenny thought worriedly to herself. If Blake was there he too would have been a bit worried about that. The others were simply amazed by that that and looked towards him with admiring eyes.

Merkel and his team had gone back to their dorms to sleep. The instructor had told them that they should go to sleep since their was going to be an early morning lesson. But due to the mystery surrounding the lateness of the many teams made many people stay.

Ethan finally saw the thing he was waiting for and a grin broke out on his face as he walked towards a particular direction from where nobody could see anybody comiing. A few minutes later Edward was spotted ruining out that direction.

He slowed down as he saw Ethan standing ahead. He saw Ethan smiling and smiled back but neither of them spoke anything And Edward silently walked past him. Ethan kept looking ahead but was a bit disappointed to see no one else.

"What did you do?" Jenny asked him as soon as came up to the group.

"I made up a game." Edward answered as he sat on the grass beside Harry.

"What kind of messed up game was it? What happened to the other guys? Why are they not here? And what about Blake? Did he also play the 'game'? Jenny bombarded Edward with questions to which he calmly replied.

"Yeah Blake played the game too. His team even won. They should be hurrying over here right now."

"You didn't actually give him the prize did you?" Jessica who knew about the Andinn asked. She hadn't told it,and also prevented her teammates,from saying about the Andinn to anyone because she thought it better if Edward explained the whole thing himself rather than her making things complicated while knowing only part of the story.

"I gave it to him. Of course I did. What did you think I lied about it? No,I didn't." Edward spoke while Jessica remained unconvinced.

"Anyway I am tired. Do we have anything else to do or can we go now?" Edward asked to the instructor who was looking at his pocket watch.

"You are free to go." The instructor answered before turning towards his fellow.
"If they are not here by the next five minutes we are going to go and search for them." He spoke.

Edward had arrived a few seconds under the aloted time so he had barely escaped the punishment. But the others were not going to be as lucky.

"I am going to the dorms." Edward declared as he stood up. The others were reluctant and stayed cause they were curious.

Only a minute had passed since Edward had left for the dorms when angry voices were heard. Making their way out of the forest with a haggard look to them were five teams. And although not long ago they were at each other's throat,now they were excitedly and with clear despise were talking about a certain someone.

"Woah,Emma looks pretty angry." Ethan remarked to himself while the grouo was still some distance away.

"Trickery is in the blood of no clan,How could I have forgotten that simple?" Emma a.k.a the girl from Ethan's team spoke in frustration. The accessories,the dragged,the sword and anything else which was valuable except their clothes was lost to the earthdiggers. Emma had also lost her favourite bracelet and was out for murder.

"My mother always told me that line and I still fell for that cheap trick. I swear those lowly peasants are..." The Edmonton sister let out a string of curses. They too had lost their accessories and were ready to tear a body apart. The girls who were seemingly composed before just for the sake of looking beautiful and noble were now about the same,if not more,enraged as the boys.

All the others who had arrived earlier on were shocked to see these people's conditions. One of the teammates was being carried becuse of the injury he had sufered and was received by a instructor who specialized in healing. The instructor looked around and saw there was much work to be done and sent for the healer at once.

"Where is Edward?" Blake angryly questioned as he saw that Edward was nowhere to be seen. Jenny was quite sauprised by that cause she had been told that Blake had won.

"He went to the dorms." Ethan answered as he looked at his teammates they all fell silent and looked awkward. He looked questionably towards Emma who explained the situation with great pain.

Jenny facepalmed as she heard about what had happened and Penney shook her head while Gabrielle and Harry tried hard to control their laughter. Ethan on the other hand didn't try to hide anything and laughed.

Emma and some others felt quite embarrassed by that while Blake and Kenneth completely ignored that and began marching their way towards the dorms.

"Where do you think you are going? You didn't arrive under the four hour time limit. Each one of you get ready to face your punishment. Except Ethan's ten since technically they have won." The instructor spoke in a hash voice and Kenneth and Blake were forced to stop. They weren't the one to whine but they did find it unfair.

"Well at least I can take my revenge." Emma spoke as she too made her ways towards the dorms. But then Ethan stoppd laughing and stopped her by stepping in front of her.

"What are you gonna do ambush him in his sleep? You people lost and that's the end of it. If you really got a bone to pick with him then win against him in a match. Don't act like a sore loser while being on my team." Ethan spoke as he looked straight at Emma.

The teammates who were about to follow her stopped and quickly changed their directions and began making their way to their dorms. Emma looked down at her feet and as soon as Ethan looked away she jogged towards her companions.

The four teams followed the instructor who was going to show them their punishment. Jenny parted with her friends and made her way towards her mansion with Ethan who looked merrier than Jenny had ever seen him.

"Your friend is very intresting. I really am looking forward to tomorrow." Ethan spoke and Jenny knew at that moment that no matter what happened tomorrow Ethan was going to fight Edward.

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