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"I am really getting tired of dealing this with this kind of shit every year." One of the old man spoke with a heavy sigh.

"What are you stilll standing around for?!! I SAID KNEEL!" Kent Izmir was releasing a ice cold aura and had a fearsome glare.

The other students all had the attitude of watching an intresting show. Nobody in particular was suprised by Kent's words. Jenny had seen many such cases where the other people of major clan had acted this or more arrogant than this. Through experience Jenny had learned that ignoring this kind of situations was best or else it will turn into too much of a bother.

"Young master of the great Izmir clan,we honestly don't mean any disrespect to you by having you wait around here. Although we may have unintentionally offended you we offer our apology and hope that you will give us some face. And as far as your threats go,we have been having this camp for quite a long time know. All the major clans are aware of every thing there younger generation has been put through.

They,the greater minds that they are,have understood that their younger generation has to be put through hard and tough conditions to truly make them shine. And,you may not know it,but all the students who have appealed to their respective clan just cause of the treatment that they have received in the camp have forever been branded being,dare I say it,'whiners'" The other old man spoke with a truly respectful tone. But it was because of this tone that caused Kent Izmir to become uncertain.

But the uncertainty on his face was gone as quick as it had come. He simply smiled and took two steps back. Seeing this the corner of the old man who had spoken twitched but then he once again turned to face the whole crowd.

"You are nearby allowed to go to your specific house where you will be staying. Each school has been provided with two houses with 8 rooms in each. But of course special cabins has been provided to those whose clans has booked some for them. Those with a special cabin should follow us. As for the others your respective school teacher shall be able to guide you to your house."

Hearing this a feeling of panic crept up in Jenny's heart. As someone from the major clan she obviously had a cabin reserved for her but she didn't want to live in the cabin. If she lived on the cabin she won't have as much as time to spend with her friends. And although Edward had made her life almost like hell in the academy,she rather liked the living arrangement there.

She looked at her friends who were looking at her with sad eyes. She also noticed the dammed figure of Edward going off towards Teon.

"He could at least say by. The guy has got even weird eve since coming into the camp." Jenny grumbled. Then looked at her brothers with puppy eye.

"Can I live together with my friends? Please." Jenny asked.

Her brothers looked stunned at her request and gave Jenny's friends a second glance.

"No. Don't you understand. You have to live in a house with 7 other people! And some of them could even be boys. And I will kill any guy who even thinks of living together with my little sister." Blake spoke with a sharp glint in his eyes.

"I think I will follow him." Harry said as he pointed towards Edward before jogging towards him.

"Ok now,it was nice meeting you guys. And Jenny come with us." Ethan spoke with a polite smile and Jenny gave a longing look towards her friends and had a hurriedly farewell.

There were obviously the 11 members from the major clan following the two old man and there were also 3 other individuals who undoubtedly belonged to some bright clan.

There luggage was mostly carried by the slaves. In fact Jenny was the only one who was carrying her own luggage. Seeing this many people were confused. The younger of the two girls from the Edmonton giggled openly as she looked at her. Even her sister smiled a smile filled with contempt as she looked at her. Comparitively the people from the Royal Alpha,despite being from the major clans,were very polite towards her. Even sending polite smile her way.

"That bag looks rather heavy. Why don't you have my men carry it for you?" The guy from the Orton clan said as he threw a flirtatious smile her way.

Before Jenny could bluntly decline her brother Blake moved faster than lightning grabbing the guys shirt and hauling him up.

"You keep that smile to yourself or I will break your smile you got that?" Blake's actions and words took everyone ,except the guys from the Royal Alpha,to be suprised. Kent Izmir looked shocked while the girls from the Edmonton clan looked quite delightful to get to see this show.

The slaves standing behind the guy from the Orton clans were riled up and there hand went straight for their sword but then Ethan stepped up.

He didn't actually attack nor did he speak a word. He just took two step forward and bright green flames leapt up all around him giving him the aura of an emperor. The people from Orton clan were pressured solely by the aura and couldn't even dare move.

"My name is Ethan Alberto and if you ever try to approach my sister again then I swear to god I will introduce you to a whole new world of pain."

The name caused the suprised people to feel awed. The thing was, Ethan was an unmatched genius. His reputation spoke for itself. Since he was little he had shown a great apptitude for magic. He was 15 when he first took a gold ranked mission of the Elean's guild,raiding a hideout of order successfully destroying it all alone. There came many other such incident The latest being him completing an platinum ranked mission. In fact his talent was deemed so frightening that there really wasn't any need for him to actually spend four years in an academy but he,in his words,wanted to enjoy his youth.

In the hearts of younger generation,even some from the major clan,he was an unparalleled existence. The guy from the Orton clan gulped as he was pushed aside by Blake. Although he was from the major clan his connection with the direct lineage was quite distinct.

"And you two dumb looking b*tches, should think twice about your own status before daring to laugh at my sister." Ethan's voice was like always,calm and collected but there was a chill in it. The two sisters who had been enjoying the show turned bright red upon hearing Ethan's word but didn't dare talk back.

"Ok that's enough of you both. Let's just quietly walk to our cabin,okay." Jenny spoke irritatedly as she looked at her brothers. It was always like this with them. They always over did things,making big deal out of something small. At least she was glad that there weren't her friends to see her brothers outbursts.

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