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"T-the most unbelievable thing has happened!!!the first match has been won by the f-first years." The announcer stammered as Penney and Harry left the stage.

Jenny and Gracial congratulated them as they neared.
"You were awesome! The crowd's reaction is priceless." Gracial gushed and Jenny smiled at Penney as she took a seat next to her.

Penney shook her head.
"It was mainly because of him." Penney said glancing at Edward.

Jenny glanced at Edward who seemed to be the only one not suprised by the victory.Maybe she had underestimated him a little bit,Jenny thought to herself as she frowned a little.

"A rock? Seriously?" Edward said to Harry as he sat by his side.

"It worked." Harry replied sinking into the chair.

"Yeah because nobody could phantom that a wind elemental mage would use a rock to attack."
Edward replied.

"He would have known if I used air cannon and then dogged it." Harry reasoned.

"Don't you know some other offensive spell?" Edward asked sighing.

"I know other kind."Harry said looking away.

"You guys did great out there. It really suprised me. I didn't knew you had something like this planned. " Teon said from behind causing Harry to almost fall off his chair.

"Thanks." Harry said clearly pleased.

"Yeah but-" Penney started but was cut off by Edward.

"Gracial is going next." He declared.

Gracial took a deep breath as Teon nodded.
"Your opponent is the fourth ranked one,it seems." He said indicating towards a girl who was stretching next to the ring.

It was the same girl who had been next to Jessica. Right now she was staring straight at them. The crowd was getting excited about their right and shouting out suggestions to the girl about what bone she should break of her opponent.

"They should at least try hide their anger." Harry complained.

Gracial stood up and too began to stretch lightly. Teon retreated back to the seat near Jonathan.

"Gracial,be sure to not to waste time in dilly-dallyin or doing feints. You are really bad at them." Edward spoke bluntly.

Gracial was so preoccupied by  focusing on her soon to come fight that she didn't retort and instead nodded tensly and then walked towards the ring.

"Now here is the second match of the competition. Let's see if it will be the expected win or the newbies will luck out again."

"That's quite some baised commentary." Jenny remarked dryly. Luck hadn't made Penney win.

Same as before the fight started. Unfortunately for Gracial the girl was a earth element mage and already had an advantage.

Jenny watched eagerly as Gracial moved,using magic to make herself fast, towards her opponent. She mainly dodged waiting for a chance to strike and lunging at her opponent at the slightest chance.

But at the end she was caught off guard when the girl faked a opening and ended it with smashing a fist strengthened by magic at Gracial's stomach.

Jenny tuned out the commentator as he gloated about the "expected win"with "luck running out" and reminded herself that she could not simply kill him for doing his job. She would have to find a different reason for that.

Gracial returned with her head hanging low.
"Well fought." Jenny said patting her on shoulder.

Penney and Harry did the same thing except Harry didn't get near enough to patt her.

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