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"I didn't knew that the library was underground." Jenny said looking around at the seemingly endless rows of shelves filled with books.

"You never find the important thing." Edward said rolling his eyes.

Jenny decided to ignore the remark and focus on the grand library. It was bigger than any library she had ever seen and easily the most charming. Even the smell of old wood and paper seemed to be calling to her.

As they walked Jenny saw a boy older than her holding books in one hand and waving with other at them.

"You must be the problem first years." The boy said smilling at them. He wore round glasses such seemed bigger than his face and had unkempt hair but his smile seemed to lit up his face.

"I guess we are." Edward said smiling back.

The boy told them to follow him as he talked.

"I am Ken, fourth year here. You are probably feeling upset because of cleaning the library but let me tell you. You will never regret stepping in here. This is the most amazing place in this academy."

Seeing the library Jenny could easily believe that. Watching the stock of all the kind of books the word library seemed short for it.

"Are you the only one here?" Edward asked.

"Well I am the one who manages this library so I am almost always here as for the other students they come when there is no class." Ken replied.

"Aren't there teachers here for managing this library?" Jenny asked.

"No teacher is allowed here. Actually no one above 20. The only exception is headmaster." Ken answered then he turned a corner and stopped.

"This is my cabin." Ken said pointing towards a see room made of glass.
"You can take anything from here. I think you should get the dust of from some of the older books for the first day."

"What's that?" Edward said pointing towards a big black door just behind the cabin.

"Oh that's just another part of the library but the first years aren't allowed there unless they come with a senior acting as a guide."

Jenny looked curiously at the gate before turning back to Ken.

Then Ken pointed towards a Farr off corner.
"Take the turn from there and you will find yourselves among among some of old books. Start from there."

When Edward and Jenny did turn the cornor Jenny didn't find among some old books. She found herself among heaps and heaps of shelves Wich seemed to be standing there for 100 years.

"This is quite some work." Edward said to Jenny grinning broadly.

Jenny looked at him making his way towards one of the shelves whistling a cherry tune.

Jenny wondered if he had gone crazy as she took the opposite shelf.


The only thing entertaining the next day was her fire element class. Which Jenny found quite entertaining as they were finally told to do magic. Even through it was just practicing to make a perfect fireball.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. The only thing Jenny was grateful was about that she had almost no classes with Edward as he usually didn't turn up at one so the only time with him was at the library and at lunchtime where he usually didn't talk as he was too busy eating.

But even that had been resolved. They had each took diffrent areas to clean and Edward never bothered her or didn't come out of his region seemingly lost somewhere.

That was the first peacfull time Jenny spent at Maguire imperial academy.

Another day passed with her time spent with mostly Penney and Gracial.

And the day for the competition arrived.

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