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Jenny,Gracial and Penney walked out of the house in a hurried pace. Harry had already left with Edward and they were getting late.

"This is all your fault." Gracial said glaring at Jenny.

"My fault⁉" Jenny asked bewildered.

"Yes your fault we tried to wake you multiple times but you wouldn't budge an inch. Ask Penney if you don't believe me."

Jenny turned her eyes on Penney who nodded.
"So you made Edward drop a bucket of water on me⁉"

Penney shook her head frantically.
"He told us to leave the room. He said he would make you come running out of the bed. We were already late so we left you alone."

Jenny sighed. She admitted that sometimes she was a little hard to wake up. Her brothers used to tease her about it but they could have tried harder instead of leaving it in that lunatic's hand.

"Which element class are you taking?" Penney asked them keen to change the subject.

Except the compulsory subjects,like martial arts, the first year could choose to attend the five elements class.

"Lightning." Gracial said.

"Fire,obviously." Jenny answered.
"You are of course taking earth." Jenny continued as penny nodded.

They reached the fountain and walked a straight road from it to the Maguire imperial academy.

The building in front of them looked grand with its red walls. It was the only place in the academy that Jenny thought of as decent.

They entered the academy through a double set of doors. All the first-years had the same morning class. The martial arts class.

Jenny stopped a girl walking a few paces ahead of them.

"Do you know where the martial arts class takes place?" Jenny asked.

The girl pointed them towards the back of the academy.

The back of the academy was similar to the training ground except that there was more than one sparing ring and they were smaller than they were at the training ground.Jenny also saw some wooden dummies.

Gracial nudged her and pointed towards a point in front of them. Jenny turned her head to find Markus and some of his friends coming towards them.

Markus looked straight at her as he stopped in front of her.
"Jenny Alberto?"

Jenny nodded and squared her shoulder. Ready to fight if things got bad.

"Sorry I didn't notice you yesterday. I have nothing against you.Just against that punk." Markus said appearing awkward.

Jenny immediately understood what was happening. Markus didn't want to offend anyone from royal clan. Jenny was glad that he didn't knew that if he did bully her nothing would actually happen. Nobody from clan would help her. On the contrary they would blame her for being weak and getting bullied.

"You saw how that pathetic looser acted just because he knew that a teacher would protect him." Markus continued.
"I don't think you should hang out with those kinds of losers."

"Bad mouthing people behind there back. You are even more pathetic then I thought." A familiar voice said from behind Markus.

Jenny eyed Edward as he strolled towards them with a boy covering his face with a handkerchief by his side.Jenny presumed the boy to be Harry.

"You are lucky you are in a class right now or..." Marcus threatened.

"Or what? Going to apologize to someone again?" Edward asked with a smirk.

Markus fumed and made as if to charge towards him but a hand on his chest stopped him.

Jenny's eyes followed the hand to its owner. It was a pretty girl who Jenny recognized from the list Teon had handed them.She was the second highest in the second year.

"I am sorry for any disturbance he has brought to you" the girl said to them. Then her eyes turned on Edward.
"Don't pick needless fight with him if you know what's best for you."

"Are you threatening me?" Edward said narrowing his eyes.

"N-no. I am just giving advice." The girl stammered.

"Well,then I have to ignore your advice." Edward said grinning.

"What's going on in my class?" A stern voice shouted.

A muscled middle-aged man appeared looking annoyed.
"What are second years doing here? This is not your class."

"We were just about to leave,sir."The girl replied. Markus nodded along with his friends.

"Better get moving fast Jessica. I don't want to late my class's because of you." The teacher said stalking away towards the middle of the lawn.

Markus glared at Edward as he walked away.
Jessica gave Edward an apologetic look and walked in the other direction.

"You just had to butt in." Jenny growled at Edward.

Harry sighed dreamly.
"Jessica is such a beautiful name."

Jenny and the other gave him strange look.

Gracial shook her head muttering along the lines of "boys" while Penney glared at Harry.

The teacher coughed for attention and the class begin. Soon Mr.Douglas became Jenny's least favourite teacher.

He didn't teach them about any moves or about Inner energy as her teacher back at the clan had said.

According to Mr.Douglas the first years were to new to be taught about that so they just ran around the academy's length and the did crunches and push ups in pairs.

The only good thing about it was that Penney was Jenny's partner.


"They aren't teaching about anything useful." Jenny said jabbing her fork at the steak in front of her.
Harry,Gracial and Penney listened to her while Edward stuffed food in his face.
They were all sitting in the cafeteria.

"Yeah all they really taught us was the element class." Gracial said.

"Yeah I can't wait for my fire element class." Jenny said.
Besides the thunder class all the element class were on the afternoon classes on Mondays.

"I quite liked the healing class." Penney said.

Jenny would have also enjoyed it of she hadn't already learned to the fundamental behind the healing.

"Crafting and summoning classes were not bad either." Harry added.

"Yeah but they aren't actually teaching them to us. They are just telling us to remember the principles behind it which I already know." Jenny replied. Then her eyes focused on Edward and his plate.

She was sure it was his fifth serving and his plate was brimming with steak.

Edward noticed her staring and putted a protective arm around his plate.
"I am not giving any of this to you."

"I don't want it." Jenny replied.

A boy older than them approached there table.

"Jenny Alberto and Edward Framton?"

They both nodded.

"You have to clean library after your lunch." He informed them.

"We can't. We have classes after this." Jenny explained.

"You have to. Vice principal's order." The boy said before leaving.

"I have element class after this." Jenny said to no one in practical.

"You will have them tomorrow too." Harry replied.

"What did you do to get vice principal to punish you?" Gracial asked curiously.

Jenny just silently glared at Edward who was too busy eating food to notice.

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