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Jenny lunged at Edward as soon as he stepped up towards them. Edward was prepared for it and ducked out of the way before sprinting away from her.

"You are dead!!" Jenny said maliciously glaring at him.

"Oh come on what did I do?" Edward asked with an innocent confused expression stopping just besides  Harry.

"You lunatic!! Who gave you the right to involve me in the stupid bet⁉"

"Don't worry. It will be fun." Edward replied with a grin.

Before Jenny could break the grin with her fist Teon cleared his throat.

Everybody stared at him standing a feet away from them appearing from nowhere like usual.

"You are more problematic than I thought." Teon said looking at the grinning Edward.

"Aren't the audience going a bit overboard?" Harry asked staring towards them.

Everybody,except Jenny,thought the same. The students seemed to be having fits of rage. Many were standing on the edge of there seat shouting various variety of abuses at Edward. While many threw popcorns and sandwiches which thankfully didn't reach them.

"You are to blame for that. Jessica is really popular and umm.. kind of an idol I guess. Well long story short, there are many student who worship the ground she walks upon. You really pissed them off with your bet. And what in God's name do you want Jessica for?"

Everybody stared at Edward who in return looked at Harry.
"Harry fancies her and said he wanted to go on date with her. I am just doing him favour."

"Don't pass the blame onto me!!! I didn't tell you to go win her on a bet for me. And all of you stop glaring at me. This is not my fault!!" Harry wailed.

Before anyone could interrogate Edward further something smashed hard against the ground near Edward and Harry.

"You shamless fraud!!" Jessica screamed as she charged at Edward. But was stopped by Teon as he stepped between them.

"There are too many people screaming." Edward complained.

"Give my apology and sympathy back to me." Jessica grumbled as Markus and three other people joined her. Two were boys while one was a girl who laid a hand on Jessica's shoulder in a comforting way.

"No attacking each other before the duel or you will lose by default." Teon reminded them.

"That's right you should wait before you teach them their place." Another teacher said to them as he walked towards Teon.

"You seem to be in a good mood Jonathan." Teon remarked dryly.

"Oh come on you don't get to see a show like this everyday." Jonathan replied. He seemed to be in his early-forties and had small, weathering blond hair.

Mrs.Panetta neared towards them appearing irritated.
"Will you hurry up.We have people waiting."

"Yeah,yeah." Jonathan said in a tired voice before turning to Edward.
"What's your order for duel?"

"Penney and Harry will go first." Edward replied. Then he turned towards Marcus.
"I want them to duel that guy with red t-shirt."

Jenny looked at the guy Edward pointed out. From the list Jenny could remember he was the fifth and his name started with l.

"Ok Lucas will go." Markus said before turning towards Lucas.

Jenny stepped towards Mrs.Panetta the same instant that Jessica did.

"I am not going to be someone's property." They both said at the same time.

"I am not a thing that they can bet upon." Jenny continued as Jessica nodded along side her.

Mrs.Panetta shrugged.
"The bet is already made with almost the whole school as witness. And I will make sure that...they don't do anything inappropriate. And you won't be anyone's property. Just think of it as doing someone a favour and doing some works for them."

"And it's not like you will become the winner's property forever." Edward said.

"They won't?" Markus asked.

"Yes they won't. If I win Jessica will belong to my team for a year and I swear I won't do anything which harms her. The same goes for you." Edward said solemnly.

Markus nodded and Mrs.Panetta retreated away towards the stage.

Edward guestured the others to come towards him and then spoke directly to Harry and Penney.


"Ladies and gentlemen!! Get ready cause the first duel is about to begin from the second years group comes Lucas Primiano and from the other side comes Penney and Larry!!!" The announcer shouted excitedly.

"He is calling Larry I think I should go home and bring him." Harry said in his last desperate excuse to not fight.

But Penney grabbed him by his elbow and pulled him along with her to the ring.

Jenny watched as Lucas entered from the other side.

"Let me brief you again about the rules." The announcer said"with five person on each team, each person carry one point. The team to get the more number of points meaning 3 points will win. Because of the changes presented by Edward framton when Lucas wins this he will get two points in one go."

When not if, Jenny thought as she watched Penney and Harry bow to Lucas and Lucas bow back. She was sitting on one of the chairs closest to the ring with Gracial and Edward at either side. And Markus and the others sitting from some distance from them.

Mrs.Panetta raised her right arm and than brought it down before jumping out of the ring.

Jenny watched as Harry and Penney immediately took some steps back and took stances. Seeing them Jenny wondered if Edward's plan could work.

"Listen carefully because I am not going to repeat myself." Edward said when they had formed a circle around him. "Penney and Harry as soon as match starts just blindly attack him with the strongest spell you can muster. He will underestimate you and you will get a easy target.So with that first surprise him.."

Harry launched his air cannon and Penney hurled massive balls of rock on the shocked Lucas.

Jenny almost laughed as Lucas fumbled and the attack hit him causing him to loose his footing and end up on the ground.

But even then Lucas managed to avoid the worst of the damage by materlising a shield of air.

As Lucas stood up everyone could clearly see the torn sleeve of his shirt exposing the bruised arm.
He seemed angry as he took his stance.

Penney and Harry prepared for their next move.

"But if he is not an complete idiot he would shield away from your attack with somewhat considerable damage. He will get angry at being taken by suprise by someone like you,no offence, and go for attack. But you won't give him that chance. Split up and take the opposite cornors of the ring and annoy him. Use small attack to hit him with and he will get confused and annoyed. He will make a mistake and you will get a chance. How you use that chance is up to you two."

Penney and Harry did exactly that. Lucas looked confused and then annoyed when the ground beneath him rumbled.

Without even bothering to look towards Harry he focused his attention on Penney and closed the distance between them within two seconds.

Watching Lucas towering over small Penney made Jenny get worried for her. But gratefuly she not had to be worried for too long.

Lucas didn't even know what hit his back of the head as he slumped down. Leaving Harry standing with holding a piece of rock above his head.

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