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As Jenny had expected she got a mansion for her own use with her brothers two mansions by her left and right. She dumped her luggage there and left it up to the maids to arrange it and quickly freshened up.After a hour of talking with her brothers Jenny quickly excused herself to go to meet Penney and the others.

Jenny received a map from the old man where the regular residence was pointed out. She followed the map to two wrong buildings before finally getting the correct one.She had presumed the building to be the right one as soon as she heard the noises coming from it.

"Why the hell would you get the biggger room?!" Markus's voice resounded as Jenny took up the stairs to get up to the first floor.

"Cause I am the team captain." The lazy reply of Edward was followed by many scoffs.

"Not my captain. I am not on your team,now get your butt out of that bed!!"

Jenny finally saw the scene with her own eye as she reached the first floor. At the end of the floor's hall there was one grand room whose door was wide open. Many other rooms were also lined up in the halls but there doors were closed and looked small and worn out. Inside the grand room was the whole gang.

Edward was lying on the bed and lazily studying a map in his hands while Harry was standing right next to the bed gazing uncertainly between Markus and Edward. Markus was standing a few steps away from bed and had his eyes on Edward with his back to the rooms door. Jessica was looking out the window while Penney and Gracial looked like they wanted to stop the argument between Markus and Edward. Nobody had noticed her yet.

"I know you are not part of my team. Nobody from my team would attack me behind my back." Although the words were spoken in the same lazy tone it shutted up Markus's mouth right away. Gracial and Penney,who looked like they were going to stop them from fighting,immediately tensed. And even Jenny,who was now standing in the doorway also stopped.

The truth was that it was a sore spot. Jenny and the others had rarely mentioned it but they had all wondered at some point if Edward held a grudge. Speaking for herself Jenny held a grudge against Markus. Attacking someone behind his back was cowardly and if he wasn't Jessica's brother or if Edward had shown even a shred of hatred towards him then she would have surely made things difficult for him. But the whole time Edward had acred like he didn't care about the whole matter.

"Anyway my point for bringing that up now is not to suddenly make a big deal of something that has already happened.I just want to point out that you haven't apologised to me yet. And I am pretty sure that a warrior like you wouldn't think that you don't need to apologize to hitting someone who was unprepared,would you?" Edward question but his eyes remained on the piece of map in his hands.

"I would not." Markus spoke grudgingly as he slightly lowered his eyes.

"Yeah and you are too prideful to actually go through the formality of apologising so as an apology just give me this room. And now that it's all settled,step aside so that buffo can enter."

Markus nearly jumped out of the way after hearing Edward's last sentence. Jenny was greeted with hearty welcome when she stepped in the room and then she went to stand beside Penney and Gracial.

"Hey Jenny what do you think your brothers would do if Edward called you 'buffo' in front of them?" Harry questioned earnestly. Everyone in the room,except Edward,also leaned in intently.

"That won't lead to anything good." Jenny answered honestly."And by the way if that wretched name ever escaped from your mouth again I will break every bone in your body." Jenny continued as she stared at Harry.

Harry gulped and hurriedly nodded before turning towards Edward.

"See I told you!! I saved your butt today and you should really start being careful about this.And specially about our living arrangements cause if her brother asks me anything I am gonna tell the truth and blame it all on you." Harry babbled. His voice filled with nervousness.

"I expect that from you Harry." Edward replied in monotone. Jenny noticed that Edward didn't say that he would stop calling her that wretched name but remained silent about that. It was not like she liked being called that but overtime it had turned such that when Edward called her by her name she always felt weird.

"Jokes aside,I would really appreciate if everybody refrained themselves from talking about ...well you guys living in my house." Jenny said as she looked at the nodding faces around her.

There followed a silence in which Markus quickly leaved the room. Jenny told Penney and Gracial about where she would staying and told them to frequently come there. There followed a peaceful atmsosphere which was broken by Jessica's sudden shout.

"Ok,I see him!!"

Jenny was startled by the shout but everyone else looked like they had been waiting for it especially Edward, who immediately bolted out of the bed to join Jessica. It was only then that Jenny noticed that Jessica was wearing goggles which were obviously enchanted since they had a certain glow in them. Jenny was suprised that she hadn't noticed them earlier. Edward snatched the goggles away from Jessica and putted them on himself.

"What's up with that?"Jenny asked Gracial as they also moved towards the window.

"Edward ordered Jessica to keep watch on the old man who left us here and also see in which building he goes. And this room provides a great view so it has been possible." Gracial explained. The explanation was also heard by Jessica who pouted.

"He didn't order me. It's not like he can order me around." Jessica spoke appearing embarrassed.

"And he vanished." Edward spoke just then throwing the goggles at Jessica,who quickly putted them on and gasped at the scene.

"I swear, I just saw him walking out of that building."

"I know. You don't need to watch anymore." Edward explained as he returned to his initial position on the bed. Everyone else immideately lost intrest and quoted down. The girls stood at one side of the door while Harry sat on the edge of the bed while Edward layed, staring aimlessly at the ceiling.

"So,will they have us do something right now or tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Tomorrow I think. It is almost night time now." Penney reasoned.

As if determined to prove her wrong just then sounds of bells sounded and almost at the same time all of the people in the rooms groaned.

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