A/N - Hey guys! This is my first Naruto fan fic! I do believe this calls for some celebratory cake *hands you a piece*, well have fun in the wonderful world of Naruto! The first two chapters will be Kaji's past, all of which will be in italics.
*Disclaimer* I do not own Naruto. Sadly.
Iruka-sensei handed our tests back to us, and seeing the 'A' on the top of the paper I couldn't wait to go home and brag about it. I look back to see that Sasuke kid get glomped by about 10 girls congratulating him on getting an 'A-'. Man, I feel bad for that kid. I look slightly to my right, and see Naruto furrowing his eyebrows at his test paper. Probably got a bad score, poor guy.
'Well, no matter.' I thought, jumping from my seat as the bell rang, dismissing us from the classroom.
'Thank God.' I said in my head, wanting to get out of the boring classroom as fast as my little legs would carry me.
I sprinted all the way, accidentally bumping into a few random civilians on the way home. I probably should've apologized.
I finally make it to my clan grounds, but I see no one. 'That's weird. Usually I'd see Aiko or Hotaka running away from Ichiro. No matter, they're probably sick at home right now.' I think to myself.
I step in cautiously, my guts immediately churning, telling me to run to the Hokage, run away, but I ignore the feeling and slowly walk around. I eventually reach the market, and yet I still see no one.
'Wait! I think I see Ichiro playing hide-and-seek under a market stall!' I run up to him, but stop right in my tracks as I see his blood staining the previously brown dirt. My mouth runs dry, and I realize I couldn't sense a heartbeat.
'Who would do this?!' I think, panicking . 'We hadn't wronged anyone. Did someone do this in cold-'
My train of thought dissipates, as does my previously full-of-life soul. I steady my tear blurred vision to see hundreds of bodies lying on the ground, some deformed, some unrecognizable. I kneel in shock, my eyes widening, tears flowing out.
'I sense a heart beat!' I say in my head, my heart clinging to hope that not all my clan was gone. I run as fast as I could, tripping over a few limbs, as my tears stain the ground.
I reach the very slow heart beat, and turn him over.
"Brother!" I exclaim as I see his eyes gouged out, lying beside him. His hands, you could see the bone from where the flesh was ripped off, and his legs were gone, probably on the other side of the grounds.
He smiles a warm, yet pain filled smile at me. "Kaji, I love you. So so-" He wheezes, but carries on for my sake,"- much. I am going to die. I'll tell mother and father hello for you, and I'll see you again. One day. But don't make it too soon, 'kay? I don't want my baby sis to die too early now, ya hear." He tries to laugh, but all that comes out is yet another painful wheeze. "Go to the Hokage right away, mother told me to tell you. They love you, mother and father. I love you. Goodbye..." He finished with a whisper, and I watched his warm smile slip off his beautiful, yet battered face, into nothing but a sack of flesh. I clutched his now cold hand tighter, tears springing out of my eyes like the waterfall in the village.
After slowly gaining whatever miniscule will-power I had left, I ran to the gates of my clan grounds, seeing a retreating figure covered in blood, and holding a sack of limbs.
Black hair. Pasty white skin.
I was about to attack him, but he disappeared, and his heart beat could no longer be heard.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...