Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving! This is actually based on a Naruto movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom. So go watch it! Have a lovely day! (It's kind of short but bare with me, I'll update soon)
I still don't own any part of Naruto
Kaji's POV
"Your job is to escort a very important man back to the Land of the Moon. If you fail this mission, there will be an international incident. Do not come back until it is completed, understand?" Lady Tsunade barks at us.
"Lady Tsunad-" I start, my eyes widening in horror at the thought of going back there.
"No buts. We're running out of jonin to send. You will complete this mission." She tells me, turning back to all of her work.
"Granny Tsunade! Pervy-Sage said he'd train me!" Naruto yells in protest, stomping his foot.
"I already got approval from him, Naruto. You don't have to worry. Dismissed."
"We've been walking for hours! When are we gonna get there?" Naruto whines, almost slipping on some sand.
"Oh shut it Naruto! We got our summer uniforms! What else could you want?" Sakura yells at him, punching him on the head. I hold in a groan from behind the group, which consists of Kakashi, Lee, Sakura, and Naruto.
We were to escort the prince back to the Land of the Moon.
A task which I really didn't want to complete.
"Calm down Naruto. The meeting place is just up ahead!" Lee chirps.
We walk for a few more minutes, but were stopped by a huge line of carriages.
"What is all this?" Naruto asks quietly, marveling at all the items in fancy carts and drawn by fancy horses.
'The prince would do this.' I growl in my head, clenching my fist.
"Well it's all mine! I just saw all these wonderful things, and I couldn't stop buying and buying...! Eventually, I ended up with all this!" Michiru exclaims, wiggling out of a carriage.
I spot Hikaru standing a ways away, and I throw him a wave.
Though I didn't have one friend in the Land of the Moon, Hikaru was an acquaintance. Even though I never saw him all that much, at least when I did he wasn't an ass hat to me.
We all line up: Kakashi first, Naruto, Sakura, Lee, and last but not least, me.
Michiru introduces himself cheerily, "I am prince Michiru!"
He then goes to Kakashi and shakes his hand, not before Kakashi bows, then Kakashi introduces himself. Michiru knows all of their names by the time he gets to me, and he looks at me questioningly.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?" He asks, tapping his chin. I took the moment when he was distracted to put Lee under a simple Genjutsu, making him talk out loud.
"Kaji is mute." Lee says automatically, after which I release the Genjutsu. I see Kakashi narrow his eyes suspiciously at me, but I pretend not to notice. I'd probably regret that.
"Well, nice to meet you Kaji." Michiru says, walking back to Sakura.
He leans down so he is eye level with her and sticks his hand out again, making Sakura take it. "You look too fragile and pretty to be a ninja. Are you sure you'll be ok?" Michiru asks, kissing her hand.
Keep in mind, when a thirty or so fat guy kisses a twelve year olds hand, shit gets creepy.
Kakashi just sweat dropped, "She may not look like it, but Sakura here is a full fledged ninja. You'll be in good hands."
Sakura smiles a close eyes smile at Michiru, who is getting glares from Lee and Naruto. She surprises us all and starts to crush his hand, making his face turn blue as he starts to try and escape her iron grip. He eventually does, and bends down to catch his breath, while Lee and Naruto snicker in the background.
"As I said before, you're in good hands." Kakashi tells Michiru, smiling his famous closed eye smile at him.
All of a sudden, an arrow with a rubber top gets stuck on Naruto's headband.
"If it was a real arrow, you'd be dead." Hikaru says, watching as Naruto leaps around and warns us of the 'ambush' that was happening. He finally gets the hint that it wasn't a real arrow and glares at Hikaru, who walks up to his father.
"Father, are these really the ninja that will be guarding us?" He asks, looking at my teammates doubtfully.
(Time skip woohoo)
We were walking alongside the side of the carriages, awaiting any idiot bandits who would try and rob the prince. I was on the other side of the same carriage as Naruto was, and we both watched Hikaru play his game. There was one group of bandits that tried to rob them, and well, you can all guess what happened.
Naruto try's to make conversation, but it's obvious that Hikaru doesn't want to talk. I end up not listening to them and focus my hearing on Kakashi, who was talking to the prince.
"So who is your king?" Prince Michiru asks naively.
"Oh, we don't have a king. The person who rules the Hidden Leaf is called the Hokage." Kakashi informs him, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"And is the title passed down through bloodline?" Michiru questions, sticking his head out the window.
"Oh, no. The title of Hokage is passed down to whoever earns it, and is most capable of ruling the village. Actually, our current Hokage is a lady." Kakashi says, probably visualizing Lady Tsunade going on a rampage. Michiru quietly gasps, as if this was the weirdest thing he has ever heard, but kept listening to Kakashi.
"In fact, it's this guys dream to become Hokage. Naruto spends everyday training and risking his life in hope of becoming the Hokage and being acknowledged by the villagers." Kakashi says, pointing a finger back towards Naruto.
"Wow! How honorable of you, Naruto." Michiru praises.
Naruto blushes slightly and throws his hands behind his head, "Oh no, it's part of the job, no big deal.." He says bash fully.
"How stupid." Hikaru mutters, his eyes not straying away from his game. Naruto squints his eyes and him and stomps towards Hikaru.
"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you there. Repeat that?" Naruto says, anger lacing his tone.
Kakashi steps in and covers Naruto's mouth before he starts yelling, and pulls him to the side to talk with him. I don't catch what he said, but it resulted in Naruto glaring at Hikaru.
I sigh, annoyed.
This was going to be one long, annoying, pointless, stupid, dumb, unnecessary trip.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...