Whats up? So, this is 6 years later after she was sent to The Land of the Moon and Kaji is comin back to Konoha! Just in time for the genin team pairings *WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE*
Here is a link to what Kaji looks like now with her kekkai genkai activated (smaller boobs though)
I heard birds. Very loud birds.
"Oh my god." I mutter angrily, putting a pillow over my ears.
There isn't any point in going back to sleep now, it is probably noon.
"What day is it?" I think aloud.
I groan and sit up, throwing my covers over the edge of my bed. I do the usual morning routine; brush my teeth and hair, shower, put some clothes on. After my routine, I go downstairs to grab an apple. I slowly chomp on my apple while jumping around to get my tight socks on.
"Hey! Is Kaji Tora here? We are here to escort you to the boat!" Someone explains from outside my door.
I finish putting on all my clothes and throw my apple core into the trash. I go back to the kitchen to dump the bowl of apples on a scroll, and put the scroll in my pocket.
'I have to go back now?' I think.
At a snails pace, I make it to the door. I open it, and without a word walk towards the guy who is escorting me back to hell. We walk the dirt road all the way to the market, where I get the usual glares at my back and names shouted at me. But it's ok, I'm used to it by now. But obviously the guy who is taking me to the boat isn't.
He is a Leaf ninja. I didn't notice.
He looks at my cold red orbs with sympathy. Pity. I already hate him.
I glare at him for looking at me like I'm some helpless little girl. He flinches and looks ahead to the port. Time sure passes by quickly.
"Hey Hideki! You got Kaji? The boat is all ready to go!" The other random guy yells way too happily.
So his name is Hideki. Gathering information will be really easy with these two dweebs escorting me. I know I used to live in the Leaf, but who knows? It could have been attacked, or remodeled, or the Hokage could have died. I don't know. All I do know is I need to mask my chakra and make sure these guys see nothing but my face.
"Ok man, calm down. Here Kaji, you can get on the boat now." Hideki says.
I nod and step over the gap from the dock to the boat and sit down in a place covered with shadows as my two escorts undo the ropes and start to use wind jutsu to blow the boat off-shore. I look back at where I have been living all this time. Not one person came to say goodbye, not even the king. I'm surprised he hasn't just dropped dead yet.
But it is understandable, no one would want a person like me on their vacation island.
'Yeah.. no one would want that..' I thought as I slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.
(time skip)
"Hey! Wake up! We're here!" The guy with way too much energy yells in my face. My automatic reaction is to punch him in the face, but I stopped my fist about an inch from his face, with a kunai in my other hand, because I realized it was just the guy with way too much energy.
He fell back at my fast reaction, but then laughed. What the hell is this guy laughing at?
I don't even want to know.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...