OK GUYS I HAVE BEEN REALLY PUMPED TO WRITE SO here it is! I'm eating ramen while I do this so I can get in the mood... AND THAT LAST CHAPTER I AM MORE PUMPED THAN 5 SECONDS AGO OK HERE IT IS
I dont own Naruto...
Kaji's POV
I crack open one of my eyes, and immediately feel refreshed. I only got about 2 hours of sleep, but I usually only get 4. I sit up and stretch my hands up over my head. I couldn't wipe the silly grin that was plastered on my face.
I throw the covers off of my legs and get up to go to the bathroom. I silently pad to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and putting my hair in its usual high ponytail. I splash cold water on my face, and pat my face down with a towel. I look up into the mirror, examining my reflection.
I slightly scowl, before a grin comes back on my face. I walk out of the bathroom and the room I was staying in, and walk downstairs.
"Good morning my fellow ninja!" I exclaim happily.
They all look at me as if my head was a big toe.
"Umm... Good morning?" They say to me, still confused as to why I am in such a good mood.
"Hey, where is Naruto?" Now it was my chance to be confused.
"Oh, Naruto is sleeping in because he needs to replenish his chakra." Kakashi replies breezily.
I smile a wide grin at him before nodding my head as a thank you. Everyone's eyes are on me as I pull out a chair and absentmindedly sit next to Sasuke. Tsunami brings me some rice balls, and I thank her happily.
She blushes and chuckles at my enthusiasm, "No problem Kaji."
I start to munch on the rice balls greedily, my teammates looking at me as if I was a different creature.
"Sensei, is Kaji ok?" Sakura whispers to Kakashi. I hear them, but I am to busy daydreaming to actually care.
"She doesn't usually act like this." Sasuke says, nodding his head slightly.
"I'll ask her," Kakashi says while facing his two students. "Kaji? Why are you so happy today?" Kakashi asks me.
I snap out of my daydream and turn to flash a sloppy grin at him, "Am I not allowed to be happy?" I ask him cheerily.
I finish my remaining rice balls and chug down the rest of my tea, slamming my fist onto the table lightly. "Alright guys! Let's go!" I shout happily at them.
Taking the obvious hint that I was ready for some action, Kakashi breathes in deeply and gives me my orders. "Kaji, you go down to the bridge and guard Tazuna, he left a couple of minutes ago. Sasuke, Sakura, and I will all finish breakfast and then come to help you guard him."
"Yes sensei!" I say, while saluting him. I started to walk out the door, but I felt a hand grab my wrist.
"Jeez, wait up. I just finished." Sasuke tells me.
I smile at him, his touch reminding me of his brothers. I sigh dreamily while looking at the ceiling, feeling Sasuke let go of my wrist. He opens the door for me and makes a gesture to get me out of the door.
I skip out the door and start walking on the path to the bridge. Sasuke jogs to me, and turns his head to stare at me.
"So what's up, Sasuke?" I ask him happily.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfic"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...