Yo yo yo guys! How are ya doin? I hope you are doin good because this chapter (I hope) hits you right in the honey nut feelios!
I Don't own Naruto in any way shape or form! I only own my OC's!
"You are so ugly!"
Pang. Freeze.
"Why don't you go and kill yourself! No one wants you on this island!"
Pang. Freeze.
"You deserve every punch that gets thrown at you, you demon!"
Pang. Freeze.
My heart was slowly getting frozen. Icy as the frost of the beginning of Winter. Cold as a glacial Winter wind, during the deepest night.
I could feel the pain. Every ounce of hatred they threw at me, I felt it. Like a tidal wave, I was overcome with the hate of others. I couldn't escape it though. Every scar they gave me, I didn't deserve. But could I defend myself? No. If I did, I would just be seen as more of a demon than I already am.
What were my options then?
I had to take it. Face the pain that was thrown at me.
Every knife embedded in my skin, I would not cry. Every hurtful word chucked at me, I would not dodge nor would I care. Every hateful glare, every wave of disappointment, I would accept. Because that would be the only option I had. Right?
I would not give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
But when I would walk home, on that narrow dirt path, I would start to cry. Slowly at first, before I reach my house. When I would enter my house, my blood-curdling scream echoed off the walls. The sobs that wracked my body, would shake me as if there was a huge earthquake. Every tear that dripped from my eyes would be equivalent to every drop of blood that I lost that day.
Every time I looked into a mirror, I started to hold myself more and more in contempt.
I am a monster.
I am a demon.
I am worthless.
Everything started to fade to black, as every villager started to chant things in my ear.
'You deserve to die!'
'Kill yourself, you waste of space!'
I couldn't stop it. No one was there. All I could see was black. Wait. I could see something. I could see people smiling at me. I ran over to them, but all of their smiles were fake. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw they were standing behind me and I was on a cliff.
The pushed me off the cliff.
I shot up in my bed feeling sweaty, as I tried to muffle my screams with my hands.
I looked at the clock mounted on my wall and saw that it was 4:46 A.M.
No point in trying to go back to sleep. The academy starts at 6:30 anyways, no one will be up yet.
I trudged to my bathroom, turning the knob of the shower to the blue part. I took off my t-shirt and undergarments, not sparing myself a look in the mirror, as I closed the shower curtain.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...