Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I had to complete a project (I might've procrastinated and did nothing until the last minute but no one will know for sure) for school, and I finally finished! Also, "Naruto: The Last" the movie came out on December 6th! I just have to wait till its online and BOOM! Haha, well I hope all of you have a lovely day(or night) and enjoy the chapter! (Pic above is Shabadaba!)
And by the way, were 40 chapters deep already! I CANT EVEN THANK YOU ENOUGH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT.
Kaji's POV
Walking through this familiar town sure was nostalgic.
And by nostalgic I mean I'm shaking with a mix of anger and anxiety. Partly because no one is here and I'm afraid that they will all jump out at me, as if they knew I was coming, and the other part because of the repressed memories that are floating back to the top.
So, honestly, I'm hating Lady Tsunade for putting me in this position.
Even though there was no way she could've known, she still sent me here without having to hear my explanation, forcing me to deal with consequences I don't even deserve because of her ignorance.
"Kaji, are you ok?" Kakashi asks, seeming much closer than her was before, surprising me.
My eyes widen and I scramble back, falling on my butt. He sends me a questioning look, holding his hand out for me to take. I ignore it and get up by myself, scratching the back of my head.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry, I was just thinking about why no one was in the town. Guess I got a little lost in my head..." I say, ending it with a convincing chuckle. Kakashi buys my lie and shrugs his shoulders, walking back to his previous position.
I release a relieved sigh as soon as he is out of ear reach, thankful I could come up with a convincing lie in such a short amount of time.
Though it wasn't all a lie. I was slightly worried, and anxious, as to why there weren't any tourists or towns folk here. Even though I usually rushed through the streets so I wouldn't get beaten, I bumped into plenty of people when I did so.
The main drag was packed.
And I knew that from experience.
"Why aren't there any people here? I've seen public bathrooms more crowded than this..." The circus announcer says quietly. A few people behind him nod, and I tune them out.
"Welcome to The Land of the Moon! Home to white sand beaches and tropical restaurants, you aren't missing out! Come to Shark Shack for the best burgers in the whole island, along with their famous Shark Smoothie!" A woman's voice sounds from a billboard, different images of food and the beach flashing across the screen.
My eye started to twitch.
'This is gonna be a long trip.'
(Time Skip)
Finally, we made it to the castle. The all too familiar sound of rushing water from the huge circular fountain in the center of the driveway, and the sound of the horses feet coming to a stop floats into all of our ears. The circus people weren't with us right now, as we told them to walk around town to find customers.
Basically, we told them to get lost. Only in a nicer way.
As soon as the carriage comes to a complete stop, Michiru quickly squeezes himself out of his gold and white carriage, looking up to the balcony.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...