Hey guys! )I had to rewrite this WHOLE THING because my computer crashed :( Oh well, enjoy!)
Here are the names of the tigers in this photo: Daichi (He is the size of Gammabunta) (And every chapter I'll put up another picture of the Tigers because I can only put up one picture at a time >:( )
I, in no way on the pictures up above OR Naruto. I only own Kaji and her plot.
Kaji's POV
"Damn it!" I scream, well, whisper hoarsely. My voice starts to crack as I say it, evidence of my lack of hydration. Don't go blaming the Akatsuki, this was all me. Itachi practically had to drag me back to the base.
I collapsed on the floor, in the middle of the summoning circle, and Kisame came to pick me up. He tossed me over his shoulder and I didn't even have the energy to complain, until a huge puff of smoke made a loud boom throughout the empty field.
A burst of adrenaline runs through my veins as I hop out of Kisame's grip and take a kunai from my pouch, standing in front of him protectively. My defensive position doesn't waver as I see the smoke clear, revealing a group.
Of tigers.
My eyes widen and a giant smile makes its way on my face, me jumping high and pumping my fist into the air victoriously. "Hell yeah!" I say happily, my eyes making their way to the huge white tiger, who is obviously their leader.
The huge white tiger stands tall, his ice blue eyes piercing through mine. He has jagged black stripes across his snow-white fur, and his tail is long and thin. His tail is white and black striped until halfway through it becomes fully black, and on the end is a white puff of fur. On the end of each leg, before his paw, there are more puffs of fur. There are two more puffs of fur on his shoulders and he has thick, white eyebrows.
My eyes move away from his gaze and I see a slim blue tiger. He, or she, looks like a regular tiger, though with a blue coat. He has icy blue eyes to match his coat, and he is looking right at me with them. But, what really catches my eyes about this tiger, are his/her claws. They are naturally longer than all of the other tigers' claws, their silver color shining.
(A/N I know the creature that was drawn in front of the actual tiger is a canine, but for this story it's a tiger xD)
My eyes drift away from the slim tiger and move on to two more tigers, huddled up next to each other. The bigger tiger, who a mix of dark blue and purple, has a fluffy white tail and at the tip it is a mixture of the blue's and purples on his/her coat. He has wisps of white fur on the area where his shoulders meet his leg, and he also has a fluff of white fur going down his chest, under his face. He has a slight mane, made out of the same white fur that adorns his chest. Behind his is the younger tiger, who has slightly lighter and more purple-ish fur. He has the same markings as his elder, though they are slightly thinner. He has a normal tiger tail, a mix of black and purple. He has that same white strip of fur down his chest, making me believe they are brothers. The younger tiger also has piercings on his ears, making me send him a slight smirk. What catches my eye, are their eyes. They are amber with a darker red in the middle, and a lighter yellow around the edges of both of their eyes.
My eyes stray away from theirs and move on to a saber tooth tiger, the bandages on his paws that are stained with blood making me immediately feel attached to him, or her. He is a really dark teal color and has a Mohawk looking mane, a much lighter teal than his coat. He has even darker teal markings all over his muscular form, and he has three long claws on each paw. His long saber teeth shine against the moonlight, and his tail is thin, with a slight puff of his own colored fur at the end. His piercing black eyes look directly in my excited red ones, and I swear I can see a flash of amusement.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...