Hey guys! I'm kind of sad, cause it isn't feeling like Christmas right now, and it's Christmas Eve. Plus I only have to write a few more chapters and then, it's over. So yeah, well other than all that depressing stuff, I hope you enjoy this chappy!
I don't own Naruto, only Kaji and her plot.
I hold the book that I completed a while ago in my hand, along with my note in it.
Make-out Paradise.
A romantic love story, though some people could say it was very graphic. I read all of it a while ago, starting right when I started the academy. At that time, I didn't realize that Kakashi was an avid fan of this series.
So I wanted to give him my copy, along with a little note in it. I did hear Lady Tsunade ripped the book clean in half a few days ago, and Kakashi has been moping ever since. I shake my head while smiling a tiny bit, knowing how funny it woud've been to watch Kakashi cry because of the loss of the book.
I stop in my tracks and look up, scanning the address.
I walk up the stairs and knock on the door, waiting patiently with the book behind my back.
Kakashi finally opens the door, his one visible eye widening as soon as he sees me. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs tiredly, "What do you need, Kaji?"
"Just dropping something off." I say blandly, throwing him my book.
As soon as the orange book is in his view, his eyes almost become feral as he snatches the book and slams the door shut, and I immediately hear giggling coming from behind the wood slab.
I shake my head and smile to myself, "Idiot." I mutter quietly, laughing.
I hear laughter from the citizens on the street, and I calmly walk over to see why.
Lee and Guy were walking with their arms, Izumo and Kotetsu sat on each of their backs.
I laugh quietly, kicking Izumo off of Lee and dragging him towards an alley. "Guy, he'll be right back! I just have to talk to him!" I yell over my shoulder, finally stopping when we reach the end of the alley.
"Ok Lee, listen up. Repeat after me." I say firmly, holding his shoulders and looking him in the eye. "I will never give up."
"I will never give up!" Lee chants.
"I will always protect my comrades."
"I will always protect my comrades!" Lee says again, even happier.
"I will never grieve too long over a death."
"I will never grieve too long over a death!" Lee yells out again, a flame appearing in his eyes.
"I will never take crap from anybody."
"I will never take crap from anybody!!" Lee screams, a full blaze behid his circle eyes.
I chuckles, patting his shoulder.
"That's all I needed. Go back to your training."
He salutes me and sprints off, leaving a puff of dust behind his every step.
I chuckle once again, knowing I'll miss his charming and determined attitude.
I smile as I walk out of the alley, the beautiful sun shining against my porcelain skin once again, the always sunny days in Konoha not bugging me.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...