So whats up guys? I have a feeling this should be a nice ol chappy for ya, so vote until your heart has exploded (not really don't let your heart explode unless its with the feels) Oh and I am also eating wayyy too much ramen to get in 'the mood' to write. I have a problem.
I DONT OWN NARUTO but I wish I did
"Damnit Naruto." I mutter, while putting ointment on his face.
Let me explain this.
Ok, so we were all on a mission to get a lost cat, right? Everything would've went smoothly, but somebody had to pick up the cat the wrong way and get scratches all over his face. I mean Naruto has freakin whiskers! Shouldn't he be best friends with it?
I put the ointment back in my pouch, and look back up too see Naruto putting his arms in an 'X'.
"No old man! I want a real ninja mission!" Naruto yells. "All those other things aren't missions! Those are chores, when are we gonna get some action?!"
"I'm not that little brat that used to pull pranks! I am a ninja now and I want a ninja missio-" Naruto gets cut off when Kakashi punches his head.
"Boy, I am so getting in trouble after this..." Kakashi says under his breath.
"No way! You are only a genin, a beginner! You get all the small jobs!" Iruka yells back at him.
"Hmm.. So Naruto wants to prove that he is a former brat, and wants to gain a lot of experience, eh? So be it." The Hokage says.
We all look up to him in shock, everyone obviously not expecting that the old geezer would agree with Naruto.
"Team 7 will be going on a C rank mission, a mission to protect and lead someone back to their home." Gramps pauses, before looking at the door and yelling "Come in!"
"Oh who is it?! Is it a princess? Or a really important council member?!" Naruto yells happily, as the Hokage chuckles at his enthusiasm.
Just as Naruto finishes his sentence, an old drunk guy comes in.
Naruto, Sakura, even Sasuke and I, have our mouths dropped open.
"I am Tazuna, master bridge builder. And all of you will take me home and guard me safely, even if it costs you your lives." Tazuna says
I narrow my eyes at him. This is only a C rank mission.. Why would we need to give our lives to protect him from robbers and bandits? I could just be over thinking this. He is a drunk, after all.
"You're serious? These snot nosed brats are gonna be protecting me? And what's with that short blonde one with the idiotic look on his face?" Tazuna asks.
I growl at him, making my presence known.
Naruto tries to 'get at him' but Kakashi holds him back.
"And there is gonna be a puny little girl protecting me too?" Tazuna says, looking at me.
I'm as tall as Naruto, which isn't half bad.
I appear in front of him in the blink of an eye, and whisper menacingly into his ear.
"Listen here, bridge builder. You see that jonin right there? The one that is protecting you? I could kill him in about .3 seconds. And don't underestimate Naruto, although he acts like a child, he has been through more than you will ever experience, and is one hell of a fighter. Don't underestimate him." Ok, I might've bluffed a little, but I still could kill Kakashi. Just not in .3 seconds. Even though I'd probably die in the process...

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...