Hey guys! This chapter is a compilation of memories of Kaji and Sasuke. Hope you enjoy!The tiger above is Kenta!
Kaji's POV
"Later guys." Kakashi waves to us, poofing away.
We just got back from one of those stupid baby missions, painting a fence. It was more than boring, and there's sticky paint on my hands.
Let's just say, I'm not happy.
"So, Sasuke-kun..." Sakura says blushing, "Maybe we can, spend some alone time together?" She asks hopefully.
Sasuke doesn't even bother to respond as he turns to me, "Kaji, training?" He asks. I nod, following him as we head to a training ground. I hear both of our teammates yelling behind us, but I ignore them.
I walk side by side with Sasuke, enjoying his presence. I'm almost a good a friend with Sasuke as I am with Naruto, though our friendship is a little different.
We make each other stronger. We are usually sparring partners, and though we don't communicate that much, we talk through our fists.
That's why a connection runs deep for both of us. When my fist connects with his body, he feels all of my emotions. And when he punches me, kicks me, I can feel his emotions.
I know that sounds bad, but it isn't. It's a form of communication between us. And we might not show it while we're on missions, or in front of our teammates, but I know that we have a strong friendship.
We finally reach a random training ground and I walk a ways past him, turning back towards him and getting in an offensive position. He grunts as a sign to start, and I shoot towards him.
I don't use my kekkai Genkai in these fights, but Sasuke can use his Sharingan. I don't really like using it against a comrade, and I want Sasuke to train with his Sharingan to strengthen it.
He runs towards me, matching my speed. He aims a punch for my face, but I side step and raise my knee up sharply, hitting his stomach. He grunts in pain, but uses my knee to push himself away from me. He sprints back towards me, sending a kick to my stomach. It was just perfectly angled so that I couldn't duck under it or jump over it in time.
I use my hands to lighten the blow, and his kick sends me flying into a tree. I use my legs to soften my landing and shoot right back towards Sasuke, who is doing a few familiar handsigns.
He mumbles something and a huge fireball shoots towards me, making my eyes narrow ever so slightly. I do handsigns as quick as I can, spitting out a fireball right at Sasuke's.
Our jutsu's dispel eachother's, and I land on the ground safely. Sasuke is the direct opposite of me, and he calmly gets up and dusts his pants. I do the same, and we walk towards eachother. Two of each of our fingers interlock, forming the sign of friendship after a battle, in the academy at least.
He starts walking away around the same time I do, me following him to his place.
No, we don't like each other in a romantic way, but after training I like to go to his house, or him coming to mine, to eat and possibly watch a movie. It's nice to have someone that can calm you down, just by being near you, in your team.
We get to his apartment, not in the Uchiha district, and he opens the door for me. I walk in and immediately make my way to the kitchen, my stomach growling.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...