Hey hey hey! Well, I hope the fight scenes are ok for you, gives you a thrill and such, cause I ahve no idea if I can do good battle scenes hehe *sweatdrop*. Well enjoy! (It's kind of short but most of the battle scenes will be about this long <3)
I dont own Naruto but if I was a billionaire I'd buy it
Kisame's POV (omg)
Right now, I was on a battle field. I'm on the opposite side of the field from Kaji, and I have to admit, I'm pretty excited. I'm definitely a bit scared, I mean who wouldn't be if you were fighting such a powerful person? Who knows man, she could awaken her powers in the middle of my battle.
And I can't kill her, because Pein wanted her alive so she could join the Akatsuki one day.
We all went back to the kitchen after Kaji told us about her powers, and Kaji went to bed. It sucks that such a young kid had to go through that. I mean, I was much older when my life started to suck.
"Guys, I have something to discuss with all of you." Pein calls from the kitchen.
All of us make our way to the kitchen, stomping loudly so Konan and Pein would know we were coming in. We all sat around the corner, which still has Hidan's blood on it when he was getting slammed into all those corners. Oh did I laugh when she told me that story.
"Ok, tomorrow Kisame you are fighting her, correct?" He asks.
I nod my head, "Yeah, tomorrow is my day to fight her."
"Ok, well this goes for all of you. Do not kill her, or harm her in any way that would result in permanent damage, ok? I need her to join the Akatsuki, she would be a good addition. As strong as Itachi, perhaps even as strong as me." Pein explains. Hey that kind of rhymed.
"Tobi-chan wants Kaji-chan to be in our group!" Tobi yells. No one knows why he talks in third person, we just ignore him.
"Ok, you're all dismissed."
"You ready, fish flake?" Kaji yells from across the field.
"Yup!" I scream back at her.
"Remember, make this as difficult as possible for me. Think you can do that?" She asks.
"Hell yeah!"
"Ok, get ready... Go!" Tobi yells, throwing glitter into the air.
Ok, I can't let her get close to me. Remember that. If she does, I'm screwed. Thank kami that I know a lot of long range jutsu.
"Hit me with your best shot fish flake!" Kaji says, getting me pumped for the fight.
"You asked for it!" I yell playfully. I make some hand signs and gather chakra in my hands. I use my water release to make a huge shark out of water, and I thrust both of my hands forwards, sending it flying directly to Kaji.
"Great Shark Bullet!" I yell out.
She stands therefore a second, analyzing the attack. At the last second, she disappears.
"Shit, shit, where the hell could she have gone?" I mumble to myself.
I guide the shark bullet back to me and slam it onto the ground around me, giving me the field advantage.
I do a bunch of hand signs; ram, a clone seal, dog, rat, ram, another clone seal, dog, rat, and then ram. I slam my hands onto the wet ground around me, sending a bunch of it flying into the air.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...