Hey guys! I actually had a really hard time deciding who should fight agaisnt Kaji and in waht order, but I figured it out (while listening to Panic! At The Disco, or course) so enjoy! This chapter is a little short, but pretty interseting, so I'll make sure to upload as much as I can!
I don't own Naruto =(
Kaji's POV
"Ok, I want all of you know about my kekkai genkai, because I want to fight you as if you know every aspect of my life. I want it to be very hard to beat you, so don't chicken out after hearing this." I tell the six guys that I will be fighting. Itachi planned all of it out, I will fight one guy every other day, in this order:
1) Kisame
2) Sasori
3) Kakuzu
4) Hidan
5) Deidara
6) Itachi
He did a really good planning it all out, and I would get one day in-between to heal and replenish my chakra.
"I am from the Tora clan, one clan you probably haven't heard a lot about." I inform them, making most of them nod their heads. "Our clan has a unique kekkai genkai, on that even the Sharingan cannot copy and reflect. Our kekkai genkai is known as Teishi-tai. It means stopping body, so that gives you a hint of what it is able to do. We are able to make our chakra into miniscule particles and guide them into your pores, so you don't feel anything until we activate it. When we do activate it, a certain design forms in our eyes, so you'll be able to tell when I do and do not have it activated. Once our chakra has seeped into your skin, I can make it travel to any part of the body. Liver, heart, kidney, lungs, you name it. However, the more important the body part, the harder and more chakra it takes. Using our kekkai genkai, we can stop your outer limbs, your arms, legs, etcetera, from moving. We can either stop your limbs temporarily, or permanently. When I stop your limbs temporarily, they will feel like ghost limbs, almost as if you have had them amputated. Knowing this, I'm pretty sure you guessed that I have to be close to you to start the process. I can't make my chakra travel more than about 30 feet, at most, in battle. So you'll have to use long-range jutsu. However, I hate to brag but test scores don't lie, I am exceptional in Taijutsu. I can fight non-stop for an hour or two, but the time increases when I have adrenaline flowing through my body, so I try and get me riled up if you are prepared for the consequences. I know a few basic Ninjutsu, clone, substitution, teleportation." I explain to them.
"Back to my kekkai genkai. This kekkai genkai is especially draining. It takes extreme concentration, along with a hefty amount of chakra to activate and keep activated for a long period of time. But again, with adrenaline, I can increase that time ten times over. So, try and rile me up. Again, make this as hard for me as possible. Our clan also specializes in fire jutsu, so I can heat kunai's up to, and past, the melting point." I say.
"Could you give us the background on your clan?" Sasori asks, genuinely curious.
I see a flash of my brothers face in my head, before mentally shaking it and instead focus on telling the famous S-Class criminals my clans story.
"The Tora clan, beginning the same time as the Uchiha. When the Village Hidden in the Leaves was first being built, a small group of people traveled from the Land of Eddies to start a clan. There was about 100 people, all being led by a man and a woman. Yuri Tora, the wife, and Riku Tora the husband. They led their small group to the newly built Hidden Leaf Village, and discussed about becoming a clan loyal to the Leaf with Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, and his assistant, Madara Uchiha. Hashirama and Madara immediately agreed, happy to let more people join their village. The Tora clan was well known throughout the village, helping the village advance much faster. The Tora Clan helped build many buildings, including the school that we have in the village. Hashirama and Madara bonded with the Tora Clan, and with two people in particular. Yuri, the leaders wife, and her best friend Natsuki. Since the Leaf was a new village, a newborn, many small towns with a tiny amount of ninja tried to infiltrate the village. Now, they never succeeded, however Yuri's husband died protecting the village. Natsuki lost her husband long ago, while traveling, but had a son that everyone knew and loved. Immediately, Yuri decided that Natsuki's son would be the new leader. Slowly, Madara and Hashirama were falling for the two lovely ladies. Hashirama confessed his love for Yuri, and she reflected the same amount of love back to him. Madara took a slower route, and took Natsuki out on dates, and eventually confessed his love on top of the Hokage's mountain. The couples were happy, and eventually did the frick frack-"

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...