Hey guys! Omg it's almost haloween and I don't have a costume. Well, here's another battle scene, I'm gonna go eat some strawberries.
I don't own naruto *crying in the corner*
Kaji's POV
We were, again, standing on the battlefield. The dirt still slightly moist from my battle with Kisame, I stood on the opposite end of the field from Sasori.
Now this battle would be tough. Very tough.
We couldn't kill each other, and I know that Sasori's only weakness was his heart. I could single in on his heart and stop it, because every other part of him is wood, so it would be a lot easier to do so. Of course I can't use fatal force. But still, stopping a heart is extremely difficult, I passed out from doing it on a rabbit.
A rabbit.
I look over to Tobi, and nod my head at him signaling I am ready for the battle. Sasori does the same thing, and Tobi holds up two flags. He raises the red on in the air, and they swings his other hand up, making the green flag prominent in the air.
"Go!" He yelled happily as the green flag was in the air.
I flipped back a couple feet, just to be safe, and got in a defensive position. I had to wait for Sasori to make his move. I can't stop his limbs so no matter what I do he won't be able to feel pain. Or stop attacking me.
The only way I'd be able to win the fight would be to disable him, cut off all of his limbs. And that's exactly what I would do.
"Are you not going to attack?" Sasori asks me.
I don't reply, just stare at him, daring him to attack.
He receives the message, and opens up his wooden mouth.
"Eight waves of needles..." I mumble to my self, dodging all of the senbon. I examine the senbon as fast as I can while they whizz past me, and notice a slick yellow goo on many of them.
'No fatal force, so it must be a paralysis poison.' I say in my head.
I keep dodging until he closes his mouth, stopping the senbon barrage.
"My turn." I say, giving him a devilish. I can see that piqued his interest, so he gets in a defensive position waiting for my attack.
I form the hand signs necessary, and transform.
Into a naked girl, of course.
I make a kissy face at Sasori, hoping for a reaction. I can hear Hidan pass out on the floor, and I ignore it and shake my hips at Sasori.
Of course, he doesn't react in any way. I see him mutter something, before shooting blue strings out of his cloak.
Chakra threads. I poof back to my normal self and try and dodge it, but to no avail. His chakra threads wrap around my body, trapping me.
I slip and fall down, wriggling on the ground like a seal. Sasori walks up to me, towering over my body.
"You know Kaji-" He starts, but I make his voice fade out as I talk to Minoru.
'Hey man, can you inject some really hateful chakra into these threads?' I ask him.
'Why?' He questions, curios.
'Because if I can inject a chakra so repulsive, so full of hate, he might let me go. And if that doesn't work, then I have to hope that I can burn them off.' I explain to him. I feel an evil aura surround me, and I channel that evil chakra into his chakra threads.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...