Hey guys! You know what I hate? Periods.
That may be a TMI thing, but eh. Sorry for not having updated as much as I should've over the weekend, literally my ovaries are exploding. Plus we have a project due when Christmas break is over and I'm like scrambling to get it all done so over Christmas break I can update for you! (Picture above is the Crescent Rasengan and Naruto and Michiru!)
Kaji's POV
It was a simple plan.
All we had to do is walk up to the castle disguised as circus members, Naruto, Lee, Sakura, and a few soldiers who knew the inside of the castle like the back of their hand would sneak in. After that, we circus people, consisted of Kakashi and I to protect the group. Our job, along with all of the real circus members, was to distract Shabadaba so that Naruto and the others could successfully retrieve Michiru from inside of the castle.
Pretty simple.
We all walked together, Naruto and his team hidden in the carriage. The gate soon came into our view, and Kakashi walked up to them.
"Not you guys again! We told you, you can't come in!" One guard yells in annoyance.
"Oh?" Kakashi says. "The King didn't tell you?"
"Tell us what?" The other guard asks, putting his spear down.
Kakashi quickly removes his eyepatch and the three tomoes in his Sharingan spin, and we all watch as the guards fall to the ground. I stifle a chuckle at their expressions, one looks like a five year old girl who is sucking his thumb, and the other looks like some kid who didn't get what he wanted for the holidays.
We open the gate and walk in, happy-go-lucky circus music blasting from behind us. Dozens of people walk out of the castle, amazed.
"I haven't seen a circus since I was a child!"
"Oh, dear, we must watch!"
"Mommy! Mommy! Let's go see the circus!"
Hell, even guards exit out of the castle and look at us with a happy expression.
One guard, the kill joy of the group, looks back at someone.
"Shabadaba, should I remove them?" He asks.
I look up to the balcony, where Shabadaba sits, unknown to me until now. His creepy hawk eyes stare down at us, and I look around up their.
I silently curse under my breath and nudge Kakashi, pointing where I saw Michiru.
"No, at least it will be more entertaining than this." Shabadaba says distastefully, motioning to Michiru.
Michiru was in the most uncomfortable and unfavorable situations that could happen to him, standing on a thin plank of wood that dangles over the balcony. A noose is tied around his neck and he is almost at the very end of the plank. He stops moving and keeps his head down, his hair covering his eyes. The plank of wood tilts down towards the ground, basically telling everyone who sees him that he is about to become a splat on the ground.
"Hello everyone!" The announcer yells out to the crowd, muttering under his breath how crazy this was. "Today we have a spectacular show for you all, so just sit back and relax!"
The crowd makes an 'Ahhh' sound, most likely in amazement, watching the Kangaroos fight, polar bears play ball, and girls balance on elephants trunks.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...