What up guys?! I just ate the last packet of ramen *sobs dramatically* oh well, here's the chapter!
I don't own Naruto but I wish I did
Sasuke, Sakura and I all wait in silence to wait for Naruto to come to the bridge. We were finally getting more missions!
I hear his heartbeat approaching us and turn to widen my arms for a hug. He runs right to me and gives me a huge bear hug.
"I'm glad you're feeling better! Believe it!" Naruto whisper-yells in my ear. I chuckle and release him from my grip so he can go say hi to Sakura.
"Hey Sakura! What's up?" Naruto asks. He was smiling, but now he turns his head so he is glaring at Sasuke. What was up with those two?
Sasuke glares right back at them, both of their eyes squinted at each other. I can feel a depressing aura coming from Sakura, she's probably thinking what I am.
(Timeskip weehee!)
"Hey guys! Good morning. Sorry I'm a little late, I just got lost on the path of life." Kakashi says to us, what a bullshrimp excuse!
"WHHHAAAAT?" Naruto and Sakura yell at the same time.
They both cool down, and Naruto brings his fists to about shoulder length, he's pretty excited.
"I'm ready for our next mission sensei! And hey! No more of this dumb beginner stuff ok?!" Naruto yells, making Kakashi hold his hands out in defense just in case Naruto decided to jump on him. "I want a chance to prove myself! I'm talking a real mission where I can show what I'm made of!" Naruto lowers his head slightly, and then comes back up with a fire in his eyes. Literally. "I'm gonna break it down and burn it up!" He yells, leaning close to Kakashi as he says, "SEE?!"
Naruto is literally on fire with excitement now, and Kakashi backs away. "Uhh, right. I get it, that's great Naruto. Now, take it easy, would ya?" Kakashi says.
The fire immediately disappears from Naruto's eyes and they are replaces with an 'are you kidding me right now' look.
He glances back at Sasuke, who is looking overall bored with this situation.
He spaces out for a second, before the fire comes back to his eyes, bigger than ever. "BELIEVE IT!!!" Naruto suddenly yells.
(woohoo another timeskip)
"Damnit, Naruto. You gotta be more careful!" I tell him while adjusting his arm which was on my shoulder. Sakura was supporting his other half, so I started to pick the leaves and dirty stuff out of his hair with my free hand.
I'll explain this. We we're sent on three simple missions, right? Pull weeds, get trash out of a river, and then walk dogs. Naruto didn't just pull out the weeds in the first job, he also pulled out the special herbs that the lady was growing! One black eye for Naruto. The second job, pulling trash out of the river, seems simple right? Naruto freaking fell, and slipped down the river until Sasuke saved him. Dirt and twigs in Naruto's hair. Then, the simplest of all the jobs, walking dogs. I picked a medium dog, Sakura and Sasuke both picked small dogs, and you know what Naruto picked? The biggest dog there was. Needless to say, Naruto got dragged through a mine field, which was conveniently right where we were. A bunch of scratches for Naruto.
"Look at you Naruto! You're hopeless!" Sakura says. Did she not learn from last time?
"Honestly Naruto, you really are just one, big problem." Sasuke says. I know Sasuke cares for Naruto, deep deep down, but did he have to be such a prick about it?

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...