Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this update, I was questioning what to do with this situation, so it took a while to write! But it's still here, so enjoy!
*Disclaimer* I Don't own Naruto! (but we all know I want to)
"You guy's are about to find out first hand why they call this... the Forest of Death!" Anko yells at us.
We were all on team lines, me just standing next to my old team with two teddy bears in my arms. I grumble profanities to myself.
"Ooooh! You're about to find out first hand why this is called the Forest of Death!" Naruto mocks Anko, shaking his butt everywhere. "Like that's really gonna scare us. You're trying to psych us out, and I'm not gonna fall for it!" Naruto yells at her, point a finger.
"Oh really? Pretty cocky huh?" She says, throwing a kunai at light speed towards Naruto. The kunai grazes past his cheek, leaving a thin line of blood dripping from it.
"Heh, your kind always are the first to go." She tells him, licking the blood off of his cheek. Creepy. "Spilling all that rich, red, lovely, luscious blood..." She says, but darts her eyes behind her shoulder, taking out a kunai. She blocks a... tongue?
"Your kunai knife. I believe you dropped it." Grassy says. (A/N If you don't remember, grassy is that weird grass nin! I can't say anymore even though you probably already know who it is!)
"Gee... Thanks. But, don't stand behind me, radiating bloodlust, unless you're in a hurry to die." Anko tells Grassy.
"I'll try to keep it under control... But the sight of warm, fresh blood really makes me crazy. And I was already revved up... from losing some of my precious hair." Grassy tells her.
"Kami, am I taking a test with a bunch of fucking vampires?" I ask no one in particular.
"Looks like we have a hot-blooded team on our hands this time! This should be fun.." Anko says to herself, smirking. "Before we begin, you all have to sign these. They're consent forms. Everyone has to sign one. We want all the details covered before the first deaths occur. Sign before you go in, so we can't be held liable. You wouldn't want me to get in trouble, would you?" Anko asks us, handing out consent forms to everyone.
She comes to me and hands me one, "What about my two teammates." I ask sarcastically, and Anko laughs at my grumpiness.
"Let me explain the test now: To put it simply, it's a no rules survival exercise." She shows us the map of the place, and I quickly memorize it. The tower is in the middle, and there are two halves of forest separated by a river. "Within the confines of this carefully designed area, you're going to undergo a survival test. During the course of that test, you may use any ninja arts or weapons you have at your disposal. It's a kind of fight-to-the-death version of capture the flag. Or, in this case, capture the scroll."
"Scroll?" Everyone asks.
"Exactly! There is a heaven scroll, and an earth scroll." She says, showing us both. "... And your objective is to acquire both scrolls." So that's what Gramps meant!
"There are 78 of you here. That's 26 three-member teams. Thirteen teams will start out with a heaven scroll... and the other thirteen will start with an earth scroll. But, you'll need both scrolls to pass. Then, bring both of the scrolls to the tower... at the center of the grounds." Anko explains.
"In other words..." Sakura begins, "At least half of us will fail."
"You bet! And there is a time limit! You have 120 hours to complete this exam-- exactly five days!" Anko tells us.

Lost - Naruto FanFic
Fanfiction"My name, is Kaji Tora. I like blood, killing, and training. I hate everything, except Naruto. My hobbies, are none of your business. My dreams for the future? I don't dream." Rejection. Hatred. Those are the only things I feel now. After the murde...