The Mermaid Turtle

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~Chapter Two~

I stepped off the school bus and leaned on a rail, waiting for my brother who was hurriedly floating towards me.

"Fuck, why didn't I move with the bus?" Bandon cursed as he stood next to me, I shrugged.

"Okay. We are at school, what now?" I questioned, I really didn't want to be here today and I was admittedly irritable.

"You need to find one of my friends and find out what happened." Bandon told me, his eyes traveling around the front of the school, where many teens were entering or loitering about.

The sound of a speeding motorcycle caught my attention. The guy stopped a couple of yards away from me, turning off his bike and taking his helmet off, revealing his fiery ginger hair.

"Perfect! Dan is here! He's in the same grade as you, this is a perfect opportunity to get close to my friends and gain information," Bandon told me as Dan tied his motorcycle up with a chain.

"What should I do?" I questioned, I never really spoke to anyone, I was the kid who sat by himself at lunch. Bandon gave me a mischievous smile.

"Dan is a real woman's man, a romantic really. Ask him what makes a perfect woman." Bandon suggested and I took his word.

As I walked closer to Dan, I analyzed him, he was slightly taller than me, and had good facial features.

Dan put his helmet in his backpack, and by the look of it, it was the only thing in there. After adjusting his leather jacket he walked towards the school's entrance.

"Excuse me," I caught his attention, "Can I ask you what makes a perfect woman?"

Dan seemed to be caught off guard as he saw me, his cheeks were slightly red as he spoke "You're asking the wrong person, I'm gay."

The sound of my brother's laughter from two feet away echoed in my mind as I tried to find words redeem myself.

"However, I think there is no one answer to that question. What's perfect in your mind is not perfect in mine. Despite this, a woman is perfect when she is herself," Dan looked out in the distance, his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as he thought out loud.

I blushed slightly out of embarrassment from earlier and thought of a way out of this awkward conversation.

"Thanks, for your answer, it's for a stupid class project," I told him and he nodded shyly. For someone who rides a motorcycle, he sure has little confidence.

"Dude, I think he likes you!" Bandon chuckled as Dan scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Ask him out for drinks!" Bandon suggested and I thought about how straight I was.

"Hey, I think your really great. Maybe we can get some drinks after school?" I asked Dan and he blush slightly.

"Yeah, sure! Meet you here after school?" Daniel questioned me enthusiastically as the bell rung.

"See you here!" I told him as he hurried to class.

I turned to my brother who was dying of laughter behind me. I punched him in the face, but since he was a ghost, he didn't feel a thing.

"What the fuck Bandon! I'm basically going out on a date with a gay guy!" I threw a few more fist at him before giving up.

"You have a problem with the LGBT+ community?" Bandon looked serious as he waited for my answer, "I thought we raised you better than this."

"Of course I don't have a problem with it. I just don't want to date one because I'm a H E T E R O." I spelled it out for him, his brain was thicker than steel.

"It's just for a while, until we solve my murder." Bandon pleaded and I rolled my eyes before heading to school.

As I made it to the entrance, I heard the sound of jingling keys behind me. I turned to find a gorgeous looking Hispanic woman with tanned skin and bright colorful clothes.

"Nice! She's one of my main friends too! What luck." Bandon smiled as I watched her storm to the entrance.

"What should I do?" I questioned him as the beautiful woman walked up the entrance.

"She seems a little mad, complement her." That advice seemed solid enough so I listened to him.

"Hey girl, did anyone tell you, you look like Beyoncé." I acted smooth but I was pretty sure she could see through my act.

"No, they usually tell me I look like Rebecca."

"Who's that?"

"Me! Now get out of my way." Rebecca pushed me out of the way and entered the school.

"You flirted better with Danny," Bandon chuckled and I glared at him.

"Shut up! I didn't flirt with Dan, besides this was my first time flirting with anyone." I admitted and my brother laughed as we entered the building.

"You never flirted before? Come on dude you're like almost eighteen. How do you get the ladies?"

"I don't feel the need to have a girlfriend right now, besides there is more to life than sex."

"Are you sure you aren't gay?" Bandon teased and I punched his shoulder, which fazed right through him. Before I could say anything else loud yelling came from the empty halls.

"AND THUS THE LORD SAID, I HATE YOU ADAM." The palest white kid I ever seen stumbled in the hallways heading my way. His eyes had bags under them and there was white stains on his church club shirt.

"Adam!" Bandon recognized the kid instantly and I sighed, did he have any normal friends?

"Great, how do I greet him?" I questioned Bandon but he just shrugged his shoulders and let me speak to Adam on my own.

Adam got closer to me and I struggled to find a way to talk to him. I looked around the school for a subject to talk about and found nothing but the poster for class presidents.

" Hey excuse me," Adam jumped up as I spoke and his eyes widened, they were dilated, "... I was wondering who you are going to vote for class president?"

There was a slight silence as Adam thought for a moment, as we stood there I noticed his upper lip had dried blood on it, most likely coming from his nose. His hands were slightly shaky and burned at the fingertips. Without any warning he smiled and excitedly spoke to me.

"I know who I'm voting for, and their name is God." Bandon was dying in the background again as I tried to process what was wrong with this guy.

"Would you like to join the Church Club?" Adam asked me suddenly and I didn't know how to respond.


"Here have this paper," Adam spoke quickly, not even giving me time to think as he handed over the church flyer, " I have to go." Without letting me say goodbye Adam walked away from me and entered the janitor's closet a yard away.

I tiled my head slightly at my brother. ???

"Drugs," Bandon said simply as we walked to my class.


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