Did He

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The car ride was silent as they took me north of  the city, where the forest was. I looked behind me and saw Dan drinking a bottle of rum, he looked nervous. The others seemed in deep thought, even Rebecca looked lost as she drove.

"We are here," Chris muttered. The car suddenly stopped in a random patch of woods, they all looked left but I saw nothing.

I heard snorting and looked back to see Adam shove a finger full of powder up his nose. Surprisingly he was the first out of the car and we soon followed.

I stepped foot on the ground I realized it was different, it was more smooth than other patches. As we passed a bush that lead into the forest I realized why, they covered car tracks.

My heart sped up, I was really going to see my brother now. Dead. I must have paused longer than I thought because Dan started holding my hand as we followed the tracks.

"Are you sure you want to see?" Rebecca asked and I didn't want to answer.

Adam started to sway as he followed the car marks. Soon he started muttering about following a train of death, I tuned out his high mumbling. Instead I thought about how fast the car was going to leave these marks. How lucky my brother got by not hitting a tree.

We reached the end of the trail and I realized I spoke to soon. In front of me was the scene of my brothers death, a car with the drivers side fused to a tree.

My lunch exited out of me as I saw the outline of my brothers corpse. I threw up on the ground as the others looked at the damage.

I wiped my mouth and walked closer, I didn't believe it. My brother was stabbed, but the scene said otherwise. I looked closer but the others stayed behind.

The smell of rotten flesh hit my nose as I reached the car. I almost threw up again but I fought it.

The sight of brother sent shivers down my spine. There was chucks missing from his flesh and maggots had made a home out of his skull and ribs. That's when I saw it, knives, hundreds of them littered the car and a couple still hung from his abdomen.

"Gross, I'm missing my tongue!" Bandon exclaimed, surprising me once again.

"I don't think you were murdered Bandon, I think you just died in a stupid accident," I muttered.

"Ah yes, I remember, We robbed a culinary store to see how full I could get my car with knives. Then Chris was spotted by his rival, we got chased to the forest and I still had the knives on my lap, Rebecca was shot at and screamed, catching me off my guard," Bandon recalls the moment but there had to be more.

"I had taken my eyes off my path just for a second to see if she was shot and a second was all it took for me to be going full speed into a tree. I had a split second to turn but I wouldn't be able to turn the car away from the tree. At least not fully. I had to choose between me or Rebecca," Bandon continued.

"And you choose to save Rebecca," I finished his story as I looked at blood rusted knives on the feet of my brothers corpse.

"So it wasn't Murder," I sighed in relief, I was glad none of my new friends killed my brother.

"No it was not murder, it was just regular Death and Stupidity," Bandon smiled as I turned to them. They were all just staring at me in silence as I examined the scene.

As I turned back to my friends I spotted someone else behind them. The figure was a few yards away from the closest person. As soon as my eyes laid upon them they took out a gun.

Suddenly there was red and blue flashing lights and sirens. I recognized the uniform as police.

"Oh fuck!" Chris yelled and everyone put their hands in the air. Everyone except for Adam.

"No no no!" Adam was freaking out, he was high and still had substance in his pockets.

"Just calm down," Rebecca tried to calm him but she was too afraid to move.

"Adam shut up!" Chris yelled and tired to move towards him slowly with his hands in the air.

"Adam it's going to be okay," Dan reassured him, he was the closest next to the addict and shuffled closer.

"I can't go please! I can't," Adam started to run, the police officer panicked and shot his gun. Not once but twice. This caused me to close my eyes but I opened them again straight away.

I saw Chris tackle Adam to the floor as Rebecca ran to someone on ground. My heart stopped as I realized that someone was Dan.

"Dan!" I yelled and ran to his side. My knees dropped beside him as I saw blood taking over his white shirt at the center of his chest.

There was blood pouring out of his mouth as he gurgled the blood in his throat. I realized that's where the second bullet had hit.

Dan's hand reached out to me before falling lifeless on the ground. I watched as the light leave his eyes as I desperately tried to stop the bleeding.

"John we got to go!" Rebecca yelled shaking me back to our current situation. I heard more gun shots going off.

"No we can't leave Dan!" I was sobbing now.

"He's dead We have to go!" Rebecca pulled on my shoulder and picked me up.

I took my eyes off Dan and looked at the scene around me. Chris was currently shooting a second police officer I haven't noticed. Adam was looking at me, he was silent now, he too was lost.

"Come on! We have a couple minutes before back up arrives!" Chris yelled as he held his his side, his shoulder was shot and there was blood pouring from an unknown wound on his side.

"Dan," Adam muttered his eyes open wide and his pupils dilated.

I looked back at Dan, he was dead. He was really dead.

"John!" Rebecca yelled and slapped me really hard. It stung but it compared nothing to my despair.

We all ran back to the car as fast as we could. I got Rebeccas keys from her and arrived first, I started it up and by the time I finished everyone was already in.

I pressed the gas and went straight ahead, the opposite way back to town but I didn't care. I just want to get out of here as fast as possible.


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