I fear my future

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Will everything be okay? Find out in the next episode of my life. Starting me as the star.

"I'm not going to question why you were at Chris's house but I'm just going to say, don't go to his house alone anymore," Dan told me firmly before suddenly getting a smile on his face.

"What?" I questioned his sudden change of mood.

"Look I got you a helmet!" He threw me a helmet and I fell in love, it was in shape of a fox's head with cute ears.

"I also got one for me too! It was a two for one deal!" Dan put on his helmet and I couldn't explain the emotions in my chest, I felt happy.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I couldn't help but give a little jump of excitement as he helped me put it on.

We got on the motorcycle and drove off, it was still dark out, I guess there was only one more hour till the sun rose. The chilly night combined with the wind blowing against us felt nice as we drove to his house. As we reached the local park I could see what looked like a protest up ahead.

"Dan, what's that?" I asked.

"Oh, just some homophobe protesting the church for letting gays worshiped there," Dan told me and then he chuckled, "Watch this."

As we passed by Dan slowed down only slightly as we passed the crowd, "I LOVE SUCKING DICK," he yelled and chuckled before saying it again, "I LOVE SUCKING DICK, I LOVE SUCKING DICK."

"Dan!" I smacked his hat and blushed, it was funny but so embarrassing.

"Sorry sorry," Dan chuckled.

We arrived at his house, a sight I'm glad feels familiar. I watched as he hesitantly took off his helmet.

"That helmet makes you look so gay," I joked and he smiled.

"I reckon it does John, and that hat makes you look cute," Dan told me and gave me a wink.

"Anyways, what do you want to do?" I asked as we entered the house.

"Actually I wasn't expecting you to answer right away, I need to shower. You can watch t.v in my room meanwhile," Dan told me as he got a pair of boxers and walked into his bathroom.

In what I assumed was an act of trust, he left the door as a shower.

I decided to leave the t.v off and instead take a nap, however it didn't go as planned.

Loud music started playing from the shower.

"Are you going to sing?!" I teased but Dan wasn't shy, he opened the curtains and looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't sing in the shower, I perform!" Dan yelled as the song continued.

"Hit it Fergie!" The music said.

"All the time I turn around brothas gather round, Always looking at me up and down looking at my," Dan let out a small moan at the end, his dancing sending me into a giggle fit.

"Oh my god, this is the gayest shit I've ever seen," I laughed, struggling to catch my breath.

"Hey, babe, what do you want to do today?" I didn't mind him calling me that.

"I got no plans, you got anything?"

"There's a party out in the country, want to go?"

"In the country?" I questioned.

"Well kinda, they rented a nice place, it's for sweet sixteens or quinces but they rented it anyways, free jungle juice, 3 dollar entry."

"I'm down."

"Cool it's at 10 so we have like hours to kill, we can take a nap if you want, you look like you haven't slept all day," Dan told me as he shut off the water, I looked away as stepped out.

"If you don't mind I will take that offer," I told him as I laid down on his bed, I could see him patting himself dry from the corner of my eye.

"Sure, I was up most of the night too, Adam called me to catch up," Dan told me and I could hear the happiness in his tone.

The feeling of the bed dipping made my heart skip a beat, Dan landed next to me in his boxers and nothing else, his hair still wet and the smell of old spice lightly tingling my nose.

"Cuddles?" Dan asked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. I didn't answer but instead rolled into his arms.


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