Respect My DUDE it's Sunday

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Chapter Something

The feeling of Dan's strong arms pinning me to his bed felt wonderful as he continued our kiss from earlier. Dan used one hand to unbuckle his belt as the other continued to hold me down, making me dominated over, which I admittedly enjoyed. I jerked in surprise as Dan made a kiss trail up my neck. Dan let go of my hands as he eagerly took off his pants, I took this opportunity to take off my shirt. His arms found their way around my waist again as he led me into another kiss, I took this opportunity to cup his face one of my hands, bringing us closer. With my free hand, I let ran my fingers through his hair and all the way down to his neck. Dan pushed his waist against mine and I felt his bulge against my thigh, and that's when I realized what this was leading up to.

"Dan wait!" I pushed away from him and he immediately got off me.

"I'm sorry, Are you okay?" Dan questioned as he got off the bed as I sat up.

"I'm fine."

"Did I do something?" Dan's eyes looked up at mine, looking for an answer, he seemed even more scared than I was.


"You didn't like it?"

"No. wait, yes. I liked it. I just don't want to have sex," I admitted looking away from Dan as I put my shirt back on.

"Oh... Okay," Dan gave me an understanding smile as he put on a pair of shorts from the floor and got back into bed.

"Cuddles?"Dan offered and opened his arms to me, with the tension gone I gladly laid next to him and let him put his arms around me.

"Are you hard?"

"Yeah," Dan mumbled and I couldn't help but feel guilty for leading him on.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You don't want sex. That's that. End of story," Dan told me and we both stared at the clock as it struck 8:00 PM, it was fairly early.

"The thing is I've never wanted sex, I never have sexual feelings for anybody," I admitted.

"You were kissing me back and feeling me, I don't understand," Dan mumbled and I rolled around to look him in the eyes.

"I enjoyed that but I didn't think of it as sexual."

"You're Asexual."

"I think so but I like you," I admitted and Dan failed to stop a smile, making me blush.

"You are Asexual but homoromantic?"

"I had crushes on girls but now that I think of it gender doesn't really matter to me," I told him and he seemed to know all the terms.


"I'm an Asexual Panromantic?" I questioned and the labels made me feel better, knowing that there are terms for what I feel and that my feelings were valid made me breathe easier.

"How do you know so many terms?"

Flashback Dan's POV

"Danny guess what," My sister Fae asked as I woke up from a nap on the couch.


"Dan I'm a Lesbian," She blurted with a smile.

"I thought you were American?"

Flashback done

"Let's just say I embarrassed myself once," Dan admitted as he remembered something.

"Hey, Dan how did you come out if you don't mind me asking," I asked him, he's been out for a while.

Dan scratched his neck nervously as he pulled out a bottle of liquor from under his pillow, he drank a couple of gulps before telling the story.

"Funny enough it's why I got kicked out."

"You got kicked out?"

"Yeah, this is my sister's house. She's out for the week."

"I'm sorry they kicked you out."

"No it's fine, it happened a couple of years ago anyways. Don't blame them tho, I didn't necessarily come out in a good way."

Another Dan Flashback

It was the night before my mother's birthday and I was currently outside in the stormy dark weather. At 15 I had just lost my virginity to a schoolmate at his house. I drank out of my trusty flask filled with bourbon I acquired from my date tonight.

With shaky hands, I opened the door and stumbled inside, tripping over my own feet and falling on top of a lamp. The noise made everyone run to door instantly, my mother, father, and sister.

"Dan?" My sister questioned and helped my drunk ass up.

"MOM," I said louder than I wanted.

"What happened?" She questioned, distraught in her eyes.

"MOM," I closed my eyes for a second to keep me from vomiting, "mom dad, there is I got something to tell you."

I pushed my sister away from me for a second before getting ready to dance, I stood up by myself and looked directly into my parent's eyes and took a big swing from my flask. I sang to the beat of "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor.

"I'm all about that dick, bout that dick, no pussy."

My sister quickly covered my mouth as I came out to my white Christian parents in the worst way possible. 

Flashback over


"Yeah, I came out as gay and admitted my alcoholism."

"But you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around," Dan told me in the straightest face and looked me straight in the eye, "Because that's what it's all about, hello I'm Dan and I'm an alcoholic since I was three."

"Three?" I was surprised at the number, how was that even possible.

"Yeah, I have like bottles hidden in this room. Want to see?" Dan asked excited to reveal his hidden stash, from who he was hiding it from I don't know.


"There is a bottle in each pillow," Dan picked up his pillow and showed me the bottle of what looked like rum in the stuffing.

"There is one under the bed itself, I hollowed out a piece at the center of the bed, there is also a couple in a shoebox under my bed," Dan got up and lead me around his room.

"A couple in my closet hidden in my tall boots, one behind the t.v carefully balanced, I had a couple of  Vodka in my dewars but I need to restock them, and finally one taped under the piano," Dan bent down under the piano and took out a bottle of Jack Daniels, he opened the fresh bottle and took a gulp.

"Mind if you play for me a bit?" I asked, just so he would stop drinking, he was gulping the bottle like a mad man.

"Sure, here a special one for my gayness," Dan sat down on the piano and hit a button that made the piano sound weird "Is there anything better than pussy? Yes, a really good book." He pressed down on one key and that was the song.

I chuckled "Okay..."

"Sorry here is something you might recognize," Dan played a piece from Awolnation the song, as he hit the keys I couldn't help but sing to it.

"SAIL" I slammed my foot on the piano making it go down, Dan tried to save it but fell with it instead.



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