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Star Clan has risen

As the pair of twins finished cleaning the table and washing the dishes, Chris put his mom in her room to watch her shows.

"Alright, everyone to their rooms, don't come out until morning!" Chris returned and ordered his siblings away. The pair of twins listened without complaints and raced to their rooms.

"Okay Chris, what do you want?" Dan sounded less angry but there was still some noticeable distaste in his voice.

"Look Dan, I'm sorry for taking away John that night. I didn't know you cared about him that much. I won't do anything like that again okay. The whole reason we got into that mess is so that I don't have to do anything bad anymore. I want a normal life now and I'm thankful I have a chance at that now."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm done selling drugs, I still have a couple things I need to fix but I'm trying dude."

"Really why? You were making good money," Dan questioned.

"John said I might have a chance to get Rebecca if I quit selling."

"You're helping him get back with Rebecca?" Dan moved away from me, a move I wasn't expecting.

"Yes-" before I could say anything else Dan got up from his chair in frustration.

"They can't get back together! Do you even know what this asshole did?" Dan yelled pointing at Chris.

"I do know!" I told him.

"And you think he's good for her! Rebecca is my best friend! I had to comfort her every time that asshole refused to see her, I helped her sell her things, I watched her struggle as she became pregnant. I was there through it all. It took a long time for her to get her life together all because of this asshole denied responsibility." Dan yelled at Chris, they looked like they were going to fight.

"I said I was sorry!" Chris yelled.

"Sorry is nothing Chris! You fucked up big time okay!"

"I know I know! I regret everything! But I'm trying to make up for it! I paid the hospital fees, I'm paying her child support, I'm trying to make it better!"

"You can't make it better! There is no it. Chris you two are over! She doesn't want anything to do with you."

"But I love her!" Chris yelled.
"All I want is to love her and Reilly."

"I won't let you fuck up her life anymore!" Dan told him, his eyes held such anger I've never seen before.

"Dan please, I actually love her, what am I suppose to do. What can I do. Please." Chris fell down on his knees to Dan.

"Nothing," I answered I looked Dan in the eyes, "Dan you are not allowed to decided for Becca, let Chris try one more time and let her decided."

Dan looked hurt that I took Chris's side, but in all honestly I didn't want to choose sides. But to not let Chris try is immoral, he might be a changed person and if we don't let him try it denies the possibility that people can changed. I want to believe that mistakes from our past do not identify us now. (This does not apply to you -_-)

"Fine," Dan said in frustration, I could tell he didn't want to be angry at me but I was making it close to impossible.

"We're leaving, thanks for the food," Dan told Chris without looking at him, he walked out of the house and I followed. Chris just sat on the floor with his head in his hands.

"Why are you helping him?" Dan questioned as soon as I closed the door.

"Because, I just think that maybe we should give him a chance," I answered.

Dan sighed and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Why are you really helping him?" Dan asked.

"I want the best chance of find out what happened to my brother," I told him honestly.

His shoulders slowly went back down as he remembered about my brother. The way he looked slightly off behind me told me he was remembering something. Before I could ask what he was thinking about he walked to the motorcycle and handed me my helmet.

We drove all the way to his house in silence, normally we do since it was a motorcycle and all but this silence was different. When we arrived I spotted a gray truck on the driveway, his sister perhaps.

"Oh, Fae is here," Dan exclaimed, his voice lighting up.

Dan parked his motorcycle and ran inside, I followed close behind, my heart racing at the thought of his sister, what if she didn't like me.

"FAE!" Dan yelled and ran to his sister, they hugged. I took this time to look at her, she was a little older then Dan, in her early 20's and wore a black clothes, she had an expensive weird looking watch and a belt that held a gun, was she a cop?

"Hi! Who's this lovely guy, I reckon you guys are going to have a night?" Fae teased as she greeted me, I blushed at her boldness.

"Actually Fae, this is John, he's my boyfriend," Dan admitted and a big smiled formed on her face.

Dan's sister hugged again this time tighter and let out a small scream of excitement.

"Did my little whore of a brother finally settle down!" She yelled and Dan blushed.

"Shut up, you make me sound like a slut," Dan pushed his sister away.

"Well you kinda are, well were," Fae pointed out and I started to wonder how many guys he's been with, he did seem to like me pretty quick. Before I could think more about it she saw my concern and quickly apologized.

"Oh please don't think about it! You're diffrent and I know it. He has never called anyone his boyfriend ," Fae told me, but I remained silent. She made it seem like all he cared about is sex, what if he cheats on me with a guy. I'm not like the other guys, I'm different, will that difference break us apart.

"Fae!" Dan's voice surprised me, I guess he figured I was upset now.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Dan," Fae apologized again but this time she saw the problem.

Dan grabbed my hand and lead me to his bedroom, I sat down on the edge of his bed. There was a small silence as he laid down and sighed.

"John, you know I love you right?" Dan asked and I nodded.

"I know but Dan, what if I'm not right for you?"

"What do you mean?" Dan questioned as he sat up again.

I looked him straight in the eye, "I can't please you, at least not as often as you need."

"John I don't need to pleased, I just need you."

"You say that but one day you're going to get frustrated with me," I stated as Dan sat next to me.

"I won't," Dan promised.

"Stop! Dan maybe this was a mistake, you don't even know me, how can you love me?" I couldn't believe those words left my mouth but it was true. Was Dan just dating me cause I had a pretty face?

"No, I may not know your favorite color or hell even your last name but you are the nicest person I've ever dated, you've shown me a lot of you in the past days. I saw your fun wild side at the party, I've seen how sweet you are to Rielly, you fucking helped Adam become sober and come out, you helped Chris stop selling drugs, and John, you've fucking showed me there is more to life than drinking and forgetting my problems. Every time I'm with you I don't feel like drinking because I want to remember every moment with you. I know it's going to be hard because you're asexual, but I'm willing to try, please John, give us a chance, let me try."

I couldn't help but cry as Dan spoke, "I love you."

I hugged him and let a couple tears fall from my eyes, I really did love him.

"I love you too." 


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